Category: Social Media

Instagram for Lawyers: SEO Tactics for Increased Reach

In its nascency, Instagram may not have been worth a lawyers’ time, as the platform’s audience skewed very young. However, just like Facebook’s audience has grown to be much more diverse in age, so has Instagram’s. Furthermore, did you know that Instagram has reached one billion active monthly users? According to a report by HubSpot, […]

Law Firm Instagram Hacks for More Engagement

Instagram is one of today’s most popular social media platforms. According to Sprout Social, 1 billion people access the app daily. With such a large user base, there are plenty of opportunities for law firms to connect and interact with their target audience. Savvy lawyers and law firms promote themselves on Instagram in order to […]

Infographic: Social Media Best Practices for Legal Marketers

Legal marketers have realized the power and influence social media has on their law firm’s brand. There is no better platform that can do all of the following – increase your firm’s visibility, gain clients’ trust and build relationships. Savvy marketers know that it’s not enough to just have a business page with a few […]

Valuable Social Media Metrics Law Firms Should be Tracking

Law firm focus has shifted from merely participating in social media marketing to generating real business results from it. If your firm is on social media and posting frequently, but not achieving a measurable business impact, it’s possible you’re not focusing on the proper metrics. Things like followers and likes keep climbing, but you’re not […]

A Checklist To Managing Your Law Firm’s Facebook Page

For plenty of law firms, building and maintaining a social media presence can seem like an overwhelming task. Facebook has become a problematic social network for many law firms because managing your law firm’s Facebook page takes a significant amount of time and provides little results.  However, with 1.37 billion users daily, this platform is […]

How the LinkedIn Campaign Manager Update Affects Law Firms

Your law firm likely uses LinkedIn as part of your digital marketing strategy to enable you to reach and engage with your target audience. To make the most of LinkedIn, however, you need to stay up to date with the latest updates and changes.  In its most recent  change, the LinkedIn Campaign Manager update, LinkedIn […]

Facebook Ad Mistakes Law Firms make

Creating paid ads on social media is an essential step for law firms marketing to consumers. But what if you’re not seeing the right types of results from these ads? You could be making mistakes that are actually hurting rather than helping your campaign. Today we go over 3 Facebook ad mistakes law firms make, […]

Benefits of Instagram Creator Accounts for Law Firms

Law firms of all sizes are continuing to expand their use of Instagram. In today’s blog post we take a look at Instagram creator accounts for law firms. Personal accounts on Instagram are by far the most popular type of account, but over time, the acclaimed platform has released far more tools to assist businesses […]

How Law Firms Can Use Instagram Stories

While the Instagram Stories feature itself is not new, it is still a largely untapped tool among law firms. Many brands regularly use the feature to promote their companies and products by posting fun photos and videos, creative infographics, and interactive content. With a little bit of inspiration and creativity, law firms can similarly leverage […]

Top 5 Twitter Influencers in Tax Law

Advertising and marketing have become more difficult today due to the plethora of innovative tactics and technology aimed at connecting with consumers. One non-traditional strategy that has rapidly gained popularity across many industries is influencer marketing. According to Hubspot, 89% of businesses say their ROI from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other […]

4 Tips for Law Firms Managing Multiple Social Media Accounts

If your firms have multiple practice areas and branches, it may be a good idea to create multiple social media accounts to cater to specific clients. However, this may cause confusion among your clients as a result. What started as an intention to provide convenience and great impression may easily backfire. Therefore, we came up […]