Benefits of Instagram Creator Accounts for Law Firms
Law firms of all sizes are continuing to expand their use of Instagram. In today’s blog post we take a look at Instagram creator accounts for law firms. Personal accounts on Instagram are by far the most popular type of account, but over time, the acclaimed platform has released far more tools to assist businesses and marketers alike. Although business accounts now exist on the platform to track insights and traffic, there was a bigger push by companies for further expansion of business tools on Instagram. Enter, creator accounts. These accounts are built for Instagram royalty, with eligibility beginning at 10,000 followers. However, the account poses several additional perks not available with the generic business account that most firms have. Here are 4 benefits of Instagram creator accounts for law firms.
Growth Insights
This feature allows the account holder to take an in-depth look at their audience and their social media behaviors. These insights are especially beneficial for law firms looking to gain knowledge about their target audience. Additionally, the feature serves to give the account holder a brief overview of the daily growth of their account, rather than the general business account’s weekly overview. Growth (and loss) can also be tracked in regards to followers. Did the engagement on your post perform poorly? Perhaps it was the timing of your post. The growth insights will alert the account owner if a certain time led to a downfall in interaction with a certain post. A pretty neat upgrade, right?
Filtered Direct Messages
Direct messages have become known for their less than censored nature, often bringing in messages that account holders wish weren’t so direct. When an account has a large following, the open nature of these messages can become even more cumbersome. With the creator account, another tab has been added in the direct message inbox, to create “primary” and “general” tabs. Segmentation is key to understanding your audience, so this tool is also a gold mine for marketers. It serves as a great way to prioritize, while also maintaining a connection between your current and prospective clients.
The Ability to Choose Your Own “Category”
Instagram business profiles are notorious for having only a select number of categories to identify yourself or your firm by. It’s safe to say that the feature most definitely does not cover all the categories that an attorney or law firm may fall into. With the creator account, this is no longer a problem! Law firms with Instagram creator accounts have more options to specify their practice areas or industry groups.
Creator Studio and Desktop Access to Analytics
Analytics that are present on the Instagram app for the general business account, do not carry over to the desktop. Instagram has addressed this issue with the creator account, which allows for the account user to view insights on a desktop through the Creator Studio for Facebook. Creator Studio is essentially a giant Instagram control panel, with everything from content to insights displayed. Having your insights and analytics in a clear format is essential in examining your firm’s online presence. Check out our post on how analytics can benefit your law firm’s marketing strategy.
While the average business account may be sufficient for most law firms, Instagram creator accounts for law firms will enable firms that are serious about Instagram marketing to step up their game. If you are able to switch, the updated account settings can elevate your firm’s marketing abilities, as well as provide more insights into your target audience’s behavior and interests. Although certain features of the Instagram creator account are only available to a select few accounts currently, there’s no question surrounding the feature’s growth in the near future, and when it expands, be sure to consider the benefits it could bring to your firm. Need help with your social media marketing strategy? Want to get a better return on investment from your social media efforts? Contact us today and let us help you achieve your social media objectives.
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