Legal marketers have to accept that not every website visitor will convert into a client. At least not right away. Even if you have qualified traffic coming in, some people are bound to leave your site without contacting you. That means a general “contact us” may not be the most effective call to action to […]
As a law firm, maintaining the relevancy of your website content is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. However, many firms fall into the trap of focusing solely on creating new content while neglecting older posts and pages. This approach often leads to “content decay”—a gradual decline in traffic and engagement over time. Here’s how […]
Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest iteration of Google’s analytics platform, offers a wealth of insights but comes with a new interface and features that can be daunting. Understanding how to navigate GA4 and interpret its data is key to leveraging it effectively for your law firm. In this blog, we will help you get […]