Category: Content Marketing

What Are the Top Law Firm Blogging Topics?

A well-curated blog can do so much for your law firm. Blogs not only push your content and promote your expertise, but they give you more material to leverage in social media and help boost your search engine rankings (SEO). In short, if you have a digital strategy, then blogging needs to be a part […]

Top Law Firm Content Aggregators

Content aggregators gather content from around the web or from contributors in order to provide readers with curated content and authors with an audience. When it comes to succeeding in thought leadership, content aggregators can be key. Services like Mondaq, JD Supra, and Lexology serve the legal industry by helping your firm’s content get read […]

Email Marketing for Law Firms: 15 Tips for Writing Compelling Email Copy

Email marketing technology has expanded significantly over the past few years. Between enhanced marketing automation and segmentation functionalities, there are plenty of ways to ramp up email marketing for law firms.  This is great, but sometimes you need to get back to the basics. Thoughtful, well-written copy can go just as far toward helping your […]

5 Meta Description Tips to Help Your Law Firm Blog Get Clicks

Many marketers have difficulty with the writing portion of their jobs – and writing concise copy is even more challenging. Meta descriptions are an essential part of a successful SEO strategy, but it can be tricky to distill your most compelling content into only a few characters. Here are some suggestions from our team on […]

Blogging for Lawyers: How to Blog When You Don’t Have Time

Blogging is crucial to your legal marketing strategy. Many marketers know this and still don’t have a content strategy, simply because they don’t believe they have the time. But the truth is, you can’t afford not to invest in blogging, and consistency is key. Establishing a schedule can help you to execute a blog strategy […]

5 of the Most Common Elements Missing From Law Firm Email Marketing Campaigns

Email is an essential part of a successful legal marketing strategy. Even if your email program is running well right now, you probably want to improve open and conversion rates. Here are 5 elements that should be present in an effective law firm email marketing campaign.  Law Firm Email Marketing Mistakes Segmentation and Personalization  Splitting […]

How to Use Legal Blogging for Client Retention and Loyalty

Acquiring new clients is so important to law firms that it can be easy to overlook those they already have! The fact is that most firms already have a base of people that are engaged with their business and interested in their services. Marketing to them is simply a way of working smarter, not harder. […]

Do You Really Need a Content Marketing Agency for Law Firms?

We all know by now that content is king in digital marketing. While content is constantly evolving, from written thought leadership to videos, to audio content, and everything in between, the importance of content isn’t going to change any time soon. Even robust legal marketing departments can find themselves coming up short when it comes […]

15 Digital Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Law Firms

Chances are you’ve heard the phrase “content is king”. This is the reality in today’s marketing landscape. However, just as great content can propel your growth, bad content can hurt your brand and make a negative impact. Here are some of the most common mistakes that can make a negative impression when marketing law firms. […]

20 Email Marketing Segmentation Strategies Your Law Firm Can Try Today

Most law firms understand the importance of email to their overall digital marketing strategy. Despite other emerging marketing tactics such as social media, email is still an incredibly effective way to remain top-of-mind and nurture relationships with clients and prospects. While most law firms realize that email is here to stay, unfortunately, that doesn’t exactly […]

Content Marketing for Attorneys: 22 Tips on How to Create Quality Content

It’s important for people to feel connected to others. If the past couple of years dealing with the pandemic have shown us anything, it’s how important it is to form and nurture relationships. Creating, maintaining, and growing an engaged audience is an essential part of content marketing for attorneys. But with such a crowded landscape, […]