Category: SEO

7 Ways To Improve Your Attorney Biography Page SEO

Having a well written and search engine optimized biography online is an essential part of success. When people are looking for you, it is not only crucial that you’re easy to find, but that the information they find shows you in a positive light. Following are some suggestions to help you put together an online […]

How To Add A Women-Led Icon To Your Law Firm's Google Business Listing

In 2017 Working Mother 50 Best Law Firms for Women! Working Mother recognized U.S. law firms that create and use best practices in retaining and promoting women lawyers. However, leadership positions at firms for women remain stagnant at 20 percent. The good news is, based on our own anecdotal evidence at the agency, women are starting and running […]

SEO For Bing: Why You Should Consider It and Tips for Getting Started

Although not as popular as Google, Bing maintains a considerably large audience that includes many potential clients for your firm. Bing also powers Yahoo, which means that over 51% of Yahoo searchers see results from Bing’s index and ranking algorithm. Search results on both sites are almost identical, so optimizing for Bing works for Yahoo […]

SEO Tools for Lawyers

SEO is a process, meaning that you must constantly monitor, measure, and improve upon all the factors that determine how your website ranks in search results. In order to analyze your website’s SEO metrics, you need tools that gather and evaluate the appropriate data. In this post, we review the benefits of two major SEO […]

What Recent Google Algorithm Updates Could Mean For Your Law Firm

There’s a very good chance you’ve noticed some changes in the traffic your site receives from Google over the last few weeks. You may be suddenly receiving a bit more, or, unfortunately, you may have noticed a drop. If your law firm has seen a rise or drop in traffic — or even a series […]

How Law Firms Should Optimize Content for Voice Search

Voice search isn’t a new concept. It has been around for quite a while now, but it only started to really take off a couple of years back, many thanks to Siri, Apple’s voice assistant. Today, we also have Google Voice for Android, MicroSoft Cortana for PC, and Alexa from Amazon, just to name a […]

What Do Google’s New Longer Search Results Snippets Mean For Law Firms?

Snippets are the explanatory text found below listings on Google’s search result pages. For the longest time, snippets have been limited to 165 characters. Recently though, Google made changes to their result pages to accommodate longer snippets. Today, they can go up to 230 characters, and sometimes more. How Did the Change Come About? Google […]

How To Get Your Law Firm Started With Semantic Search and SEO

Search technology is constantly evolving. Each day, Google’s algorithms become a little bit better at doing their job. We don’t even notice the subtle changes, but every time we run a search, the results we get back improve. One of the biggest changes in search over the last few years, and greatly responsible for the […]

A Guide to Technical SEO for Law Firm Websites

When you mention SEO to most people, the first thoughts that come to mind are keywords and content; trying to get the right words on the page in the right places to get better results. There’s a lot more to SEO than that, though. There is “under the hood” work that should be done on […]

4 Tips to Get Your Law Firm Listed in Google Local 3-Pack

When it comes to SEO for your law firm’s website, local listings should be a high priority part of your efforts. The term “local listings” can have slightly different meanings depending on who and what you are talking about, but the basic idea is that local listings help you to reach people and potential clients […]

SEO for Lawyers and Legal Marketers [Video & Slides]

Confused about SEO? In this video and slide deck from our webinar, we look at a few of the basic cornerstones of building and executing an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. It’s focused on the legal industry and speaks of SEO for lawyers and law firm marketers. Takeaways: How to drive more traffic to your […]

[Webinar] SEO Basics in an Hour for Lawyers and Legal Marketers

Are you concerned that you’re missing potential leads and clients because they can’t find you online? Are your competitors showing up in search results instead? How your site shows up in search engine results has to do with a practice called search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is not easy to understand and is constantly changing. […]