Author: Joe Balestrino

How To Write Meta Descriptions for your Law Firm Website

The meta description is a snippet of up to about 160 characters, which summarizes a page’s content. Meta descriptions don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s source code. Search engines such as Google often display the meta description in search results, which can influence click-through rates and rankings. Example: Meta descriptions […]

17 Legal Blogging Mistakes That Affect Your Law Firm’s SEO Rankings

While growing your law firm’s blog or website’s traffic can be challenging and time-consuming, it is worth it to invest those precious hours into search engine optimization (SEO). But, there is a right way and a wrong way, and it would be a shame to dedicate a considerable chunk of time toward wasted efforts and […]

Law Firm SEO: 7 Traffic-Crushing Google Penalties and How to Prevent Them

Google is constantly updating its algorithms to provide the best search results for users. While that means you can usually expect helpful search results from Google, it also means that websites can be heavily penalized for violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Though some websites have been penalized for intentionally practicing black hat search engine optimization (SEO), […]

5 Things to Know When Your Law Firm’s Website Loses Rankings

You work hard to make sure your key pages rank well – and then one day you notice that your pages aren’t showing up where they used to. That’s because search is always evolving. In a perfect world, you’d achieve a great rank and stay there, but that’s not how the digital landscape works. You […]

Does Social Media Affect Your Law Firm’s SEO Ranking?

If you are familiar with this blog, you know that SEO trends and strategies are a frequent topic of conversation. The question we are answering today of whether social media impacts SEO efforts have been studied by many marketers and individuals in the search industry. To give a short answer, yes—social media can improve SEO. […]

Law Firm SEO: 9 Easy Link Building Strategies for Legal Marketers

The rules of search engine optimization (SEO) are constantly changing and evolving, but one strategy that remains effective is acquiring high-quality backlinks. There was a time when link quantity mattered more than quality – but those days are long gone. Today’s link building takes into account the relevance and authority of the websites mentioned, and […]

How Law Firms Can Choose the RIGHT Keywords to Optimize For

Keyword research and targeting are a huge part of any law firm’s search engine marketing strategy. Whether for organic or paid search campaigns, finding the right terms that are relevant to your audience and can draw traffic to your website is critical. The problem is it that no matter how good the keyword research process […]

11 Important 2021 SEO Trends Law Firms Need to Know

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a constantly evolving science, yet there are fundamentals that will remain the same. SEO experts understand the latest trends but also adhere to time-tested methods so that they don’t make missteps that can lead to low performance or, even worse, penalties. Adopting the right methodologies while letting go of outdated […]

What Legal Marketers Should Know About Google’s Update to the “Remove Outdated Content” Tool

Outdated content can drag down the overall authority of your law firm’s website on search engines. In fact, removing or reviving outdated content can improve your website’s visibility and rankings on Google. Deleting outdated content can also improve user experience and boost your brand’s reputation by ensuring content is as accurate as possible. Fortunately, Google […]

An SEO Checklist for Law Firms

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of any law firm’s online marketing strategy. While many marketing methods can bring your law firm traffic and leads in quick bursts, SEO provides a slow and steady stream of potential clients that will grow over time. Implementing SEO and achieving good results is not always easy. […]