Category: SEO

Three Law Firm SEO Trends for 2019

To make sure you stay on top of your law firm’s marketing, take some time to familiarize yourself with some of the key law firm SEO trends for 2019. The techniques behind search engine optimization are always changing, so it is essential to know what works and what does not, which will allow you to […]

How to Use Trending Topics to Boost Traffic to Your Law Firm Website

Here’s the bad news: In business, online marketers often struggle with new and relevant content to drive all-important traffic and conversions on their website. Depending on your industry, it can be difficult to constantly come up with new and interesting ideas. The good news? The legal industry is ripe with topics that you can leverage […]

The SEO Benefits of Guest Blogging for Law Firms

As a law firm, you should take whatever steps you can to boost your ranking on search engines. One method that is frequently overlooked is guest blogging. When done correctly, guest blogging for law firms will provide SEO benefits by helping you build links in a manner that search engines view as organic. Why Guest […]

How Law Firms Can Optimize Their Content for Google’s Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are the boxes that you see at the top of certain Google search results pages. These snippets deliver a brief answer without users having to click through. While featured snippets make search easier for users, they can be frustrating for firms trying to get a click back to the content on their website […]

How Law Firms Can Create Compelling Meta Descriptions

What are meta tags? What’s a meta description? Pretty hard to know you’re creating effective ones if you’re not sure what they are. In the vast world of SEO, meta descriptions are an important component that can be tricky – but necessary – to create. Meta tags are HTML elements that provide information about a […]

How to Build the Ideal Link Profile for Your Law Firm’s Website

Building a solid link profile is a necessity in growing your law firm’s reputation online. A high-functioning link profile not only shows that you are an authority in the field, but you are up-to-date on relevant trends that are happening in the law community. Having a positive online presence means your firm is in the […]

Hey Siri, How Do I Optimize My Law Firm Website for Audio Search?

It’s time to optimize your law firm website for audio. Did you know that in 2016, Google’s CEO said that 20% of their searches were voice-based? And Gartner predicts that by 2020, 30% of searches will be performed without a screen. With the increase in popularity of voice commands for phone and household devices like […]

5 SEO Tactics for Legal Vendors to Target the Top of the Sales Funnel

Legal vendors are often incredibly sales focused, meaning they spend the bulk of their attention, budget, and effort on the bottom of the sales funnel – where leads are converted into clients. In the past, most SEO professionals have also focused on the bottom part of the sales funnel. However, digital marketing is changing which […]

How Google’s Mobile-First Indexing May Impact Law Firm Website Rankings

Law firms need to be aware of Google’s change to mobile-first indexing to avoid potentially negative consequences. This mobile-first index prioritizes websites that are mobile-friendly in response to the growing number of people who browse the web on their smartphones. This switch was first announced two years ago and started rolling out slowly. Google began […]

How to Make Your Law Firm’s Practice Area Pages Rank on Google

Many law firms have recently launched new websites or are in the middle of a redesign. Having a great looking website is only the first step. Once the new site is launched, your next focus should be how to get your website to rank highly on search engine results pages. This will enable your firm […]

SEO for Lawyers in the Age of Voice Search

With the likes of Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant now becoming a part of our everyday lives, it is safe to say that we have officially entered the era of digital assistants and voice search. SEO for lawyers is an important part of a digital marketing strategy, here’s what voice search means for them. The […]

What Is The Right Balance Between UX and SEO for Law Firm Websites?

User experience or UX refers to the user interface and the process users follow to interact with a website. SEO or search engine optimization is the process by which web designers and marketers ensure that the site has the utmost search visibility. With the growing importance of digital and content marketing, SEO and UX are […]