Author: Kevin Vermeulen

The Pros and Cons of AI-Generated Content for Law Firms

We all know content is king, but many marketers struggle to come up with new ideas and new material on a consistent basis. In many ways, digivtal marketing is a race to create compelling content – which is easier said than done. However, many firms are turning to new AI tools in order to generate […]

Harnessing LinkedIn’s AI-Powered Premium Experience: A Game-Changer for Legal Professionals

AI-powered tools are becoming standard in every sector, and the legal industry is no exception. With the recent introduction of the new AI-powered LinkedIn Premium experience, lawyers, law firms, and legal marketers can now leverage advanced algorithms to unlock new opportunities, streamline their job search, and gain unprecedented insight into potential clients and leads. So, […]

8 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Law Firm’s Content Creation

Content creation is critical for most businesses, but especially for law firms. What you’re really selling is your expertise, knowledge, and credibility. The best way to do that is through valuable, high-quality content. The problem is that high-quality content takes serious resources. You need to research your topics, understand your audience, write and edit, optimize…Many […]

Lead Generation for Lawyers: The Best Campaigns for Every Channel

Lead generation for lawyers is one of the most important things you can spend time on. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, savvy marketers will create a strategy based on proven channels and an effective combination of tactics. Here are some ideas around important lead generation channels for law firms and lawyers. This breakdown will focus […]

Top Instagram Growth Tactics for Law Firms

In the “old days”, Instagram was mainly used by consumer brands. As the platform has evolved and acquired more than one billion global monthly active users, Instagram now offers valuable opportunities for businesses too. With 71% of lawyers having a social media presence, your firm can stand out from the rest by utilizing Instagram. Law […]

10 Ways to Turn Around Your Law Firm’s Failing Website Traffic

Your website is a crucial part of your overall marketing strategy. Hopefully, you regularly track performance and know which metrics to watch. If so, you know the range of traffic that’s normal for your website. What should you do if you notice falling traffic? Here are ten tactics to turn around your law firm’s failing […]

Social Media for Attorneys: How Lawyers Can Grow Their Personal Brand Using Social Media

Establishing an online brand is essential for developing name recognition and building trust with current and prospective clients. In today’s digital landscape, brand identity is strongly linked to social media presence. By building their own personal brands and establishing a social media following, individual lawyers can enhance their reputations and facilitate greater reach for their […]

How Law Firms Can Survive a Google Core Update and Come Out on Top

If there is one phrase that tends to strike fear into the hearts of search engine marketers, it’s “Google Core Update”. However, they are a part of digital marketing and are likely never going away. Though the updates come and go, you can be knowledgeable about how these changes impact your website and how you […]

8 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Law Firm’s Social Media Management

The scope of social media management has expanded significantly in recent years. Many firms struggle to take advantage of all that social media has to offer, because they simply don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to comprehensive management. Choosing to outsource social media management is not a small decision, but doing so is likely […]

5 Reasons Law Firms Need a Content Marketing Strategy

The legal industry is very unique in terms of marketing. For one thing, it’s highly competitive. Additionally, much of legal marketing relies on compelling content and thought leadership – that most legal professionals don’t have time to create. Plus, there are certain ethical and legal considerations that make creating legal content more complicated.  Why is […]