Tag: lead generation

15 Smart Ways to Generate More Leads for Your Law Firm

Lawyers and law firms are increasingly turning to the online world for lead generation. Luckily, there are many ways to acquire leads quickly and effectively online. The following 15 lead generation tactics can be used by law firms of all sizes and practice areas. The key is to test and modify to make them work […]

How Your Website Can Turn Into Lead Generation For Your Law Firm

Is your website driving leads for your law practice — real leads that turn into clients? Generating leads is the number one challenge for most lawyers and law firms. Leads are getting harder and harder to come by using traditional marketing techniques like print ads or speaking engagements. With fewer quality leads coming in, and […]

How to Create High Converting Lead Magnets for Marketing a Law Firm

Generating new leads and growing your law firm is probably one of your biggest goals – and most common challenges. Sure getting traffic to your site is nice, but there’s not much of a point if those visitors don’t convert into leads. There’s one tactic we recommend using above all others when it comes to […]

6 Things Law Firms Need to Generate Leads With Content Marketing

When it comes to online lead generation for law firms, content is king. Compelling content helps law firms attract and convert leads online more than any other digital marketing tactic. So how can your law firm leverage its content marketing strategy to drum up more leads? In this guide, we’ll show how. All you need […]

The Anatomy of a Lead Generating Law Firm Website

If you follow our blog, you know that we believe your website is your biggest marketing tool. It’s an important avenue for turning prospects into clients. We often talk about how to drive more high-quality traffic to your law firm’s website, but traffic alone won’t impact revenue unless visitors become new clients. That’s why it’s […]

5 Reasons Why Your Law Firm’s Website Isn’t Generating Leads

Your website is one of your most important marketing tools, and often the first impression of your law firm. It’s important that when someone visits your website, their response is favorable – otherwise, they’re unlikely to come back, and you’ve lost a chance of gaining a new lead. If your website isn’t generating the leads […]

Converting Law Firm Leads: What Metrics You Should be Tracking

In the realm of online marketing, you hear the term “conversion” a lot. A conversion is when a visitor to your website completes some action that you wanted them to complete. Depending on your intentions, an actual conversion can be many different things. It could be someone adding their email address to your law firm’s […]

How your Law Firm Can Create a Lead Nurturing Strategy in 5 Steps

Lead nurturing is a set of activities that move a lead through the buyer’s journey by  building awareness, engaging, and educating them with valuable content, thereby creating relationships and building trust. This is critical because no matter how intrigued a prospect is, they are unlikely to convert right away. Because of this, law firms need […]

What are Lead Nurturing Campaigns and Why do Law Firms Need Them? 

“Lead generation” is an important term for law firms. The truth is that lead generation makes up the bulk of marketing that a law firm will do. That’s because all eventual clients were at one time only leads. What made them end up signing a contract with your firm, out of everyone they could have […]

Law Firm Lead Generation: What are Qualified Leads?

Marketing evolves so quickly in the Internet age that sometimes businesses, and even marketers themselves, have trouble keeping up. While some take advantage of cutting edge concepts and technology, others hold firm to old ideas that still seem to work, but could actually be hindering results. One of the most important marketing metrics for any […]

Converting Law Firm Leads: What Metrics You Should be Tracking

In the realm of online marketing, you hear the term “conversion” a lot. A conversion is when a visitor to your website completes some action that you wanted them to complete. Depending on your intentions, an actual conversion can be many different things. It could be someone adding their email address to your law firm’s […]