AmLaw 100 Managing Partners: LinkedIn or Linked Out?
37 percent of AmLaw 100 Managing Partners do not have a profile on LinkedIn!
Announcing the 2014 Social Law Firm Index
Our study on the extent and effectiveness of social media usage by large U.S. law firms.
The Meerkat App: Opportunities and Lessons Learned
For legal marketers, the Meerkat story presents both an opportunity and a lesson to be learned.
Why I Hate the Phrase "Content Marketing"
Content Marketing is one of those slippery terms that serves a multitude of purposes and covers up a multitude of sins
10 Easy Tips to Help Lawyers Improve Their LinkedIn Profile
How can Lawyers improve their LinkedIn profile? Any lawyer who hopes to attract new clients, be known as a thought leader in their area of practice or benefit from their professional network need to learn how to improve their LinkedIn profile and insure that their profile is the best it can be. The $18 billion social network reigns supreme […]
Why Law Firms need to Use Google+ for their Social Media Marketing
I recently gave a presentation to members of the New York chapter of the Legal Marketing Association entitled “I have a blog, a Twitter handle, and a LinkedIn page, now what?” The audience was mostly comprised of marketers at top law firms who are focused on learning how to properly utilize social media and how to take their firm’s social media marketing to the next level. As is often […]
UK Lawyers Tweeting to the Top
Law firms in the UK have a substantial lead on their counterparts in the US when it comes to the effective use of social business tools and technology. That’s the conclusion we reached in our recent study, The Social Law Firm Index – UK Edition, conducted jointly with the Ark Group, which is being released in early September, […]
Marketing Automation: The Next Frontier for Law Firm Marketing
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” Bill Gates Law firms, although well behind most corporations in their use of and adoption of new technology, […]
Two Ways to Immediately Improve Your Law Firm's Content Marketing
If you want to get a job done there are 2 essential things to bear in mind. First, you have to find the right person to put in charge. For every important task somebody’s neck should be on the line (and not buried in the sand) – otherwise it’s pretty certain that nothing much will […]
Why Corporate Journalism Is a Bad Idea for Law Firms
Last week I wrote about the 2014 digital and content marketing survey that was just released by Greentarget and ALM. This is one of the most informative bits of research available on the legal market (or more precisely on law firm marketing). As it only gets updated annually I thought it would be worthwhile to […]
The results are out! Announcing the Inaugural Social Law Firm Index
The index is the second part of The Social Law Firm study to determine how effective the top 50 firms in the U.S. are with their use of social technologies.