Top 5 Law Firm Twitter Accounts
…To help your firm amp up its Twitter game, we’ve gathered 5 law firm Twitter feeds we believe to be excellent examples of law firm social media done well. DLA…
Twitter for Legal Vendors: Becoming Part of Lawyers’ Conversations
…law firm and lawyer will have a Twitter account. Twitter is one of the most popular forms of social media interaction, and since your clients are on there, you need…
7 Ways for Law Firms to Use Fleets (Twitter’s Disappearing Tweets)
…teach you how you can leverage Twitter Fleets within your law firm’s social media marketing strategy. An Overview of Twitter Fleets Fleets are only postable and visible on Twitter mobile…
Building Your Twitter Community
…right people and in the process, build your Twitter community. Related: Twitter Best Practices for Lawyers: How to Enhance Engagement. Before we get into it, naysayers who contend that Twitter…
15 Twitter Metrics Your Law Firm Should be Tracking Today
…Twitter for their own social strategies. The trouble is, most law firms don’t know how to optimize their efforts to get the most out of their Tweets. Fortunately, Twitter has…
Five Twitter Tools for Law Firms to Increase Reach and Engagement
…tools that law firms can use to make Twitter marketing more effective. Below we provide five Twitter tools for law firms that are some of our favorites. ManageFlitter ManageFlitter allows…
How to use Twitter for Link Building
…of ways to attempt that, and Twitter is one platform that can help. Twitter is based on creating communities of like-minded people through hashtags and trending topics making it an…
What are Twitter and LinkedIn Best Practices for Law Firms?
…these powerful features. Twitter is different than a billboard. Jay Plum of Morrison & Foerster explains, “Compared to Facebook or LinkedIn, Twitter is far more immediate and engaging. You have…
How Legal Marketers Can Use Twitter Chats to Build Community
…That brings us to Twitter Chat. If you want to “meet” other lawyers or legal marketers online to discuss an interesting topic at a specific time, Twitter Chat is an…
Using Twitter's Expanded 280-Character Tweets Effectively
In September, Twitter launched a test which gave a select number of users an expanded character count per tweet. The most iconic feature of Twitter has always been the 140…
Law Firm Marketing Leaders on Twitter
Twitter is great for listening, learning, and engaging, and in the process, build meaningful relationships and your personal brand. Granted, Twitter can quickly become a noisy neighborhood, but you can…
10 Easy Ways Law Firms Can Get More Twitter Retweets
Twitter offers a great way to extend your influence online: the retweet. When used wisely, retweets often lead to more engagement, more followers, and more web traffic. Sharing relevant, timely…