law firm marketing

Top 5 Law Firm Twitter Accounts

by Shruthi N • April 12th, 2019 • Social Media | Blog

law firm twitterAs we progress deeper into the digital age, there’s no questioning the power of social media. Equally beneficial to advertisers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and lawyers alike, the various social platforms have the ability to reach audience members all around the globe, serving as an ideal communication tool. When social media comes into consideration, the capabilities of Twitter are often misjudged. The platform’s ability to instantaneously inform, persuade, and educate users worldwide is unmatched, and one that is equally beneficial to the legal industry as it may be to any other. To help your firm amp up its Twitter game, we’ve gathered 5 law firm Twitter feeds we believe to be excellent examples of law firm social media done well.

DLA Piper

Although this firm doesn’t necessarily have the most followers, their social media strategy proves to be effective. How? Hashtags. During a one month period, DLA Piper used on average, 202 hashtags – the most of any firm on this list. Not only is this a great way to further spread their content, but to categorize different tweets, making them more accessible to audience members looking for a specific topic on Twitter. Another plus? DLA Piper has not one, but seven Twitter handles! The firm separated each handle geographically, enabling the Twitterverse to follow the account most relevant to them.

White & Case

With over 67,000 followers, this firm is in no shortage of an audience. Dominated by imagery, White & Case’s Twitter feed is all about aesthetics. It’s proven that social media posts featuring visuals tend to be much more engaging than those without. White & Case also has very little curated content, with the majority of posts featuring either an original graphic or a link to the White & Case website. In comparison to the other firms on this list, White & Case also has a lower average number of tweets, making each one far more impactful.

Norton Rose Fulbright

With 15,755 followers and the second highest number of retweets at 194, this firm not only has great reach, but great engagement as well. Norton Rose Fulbright posts on average 5.61 tweets per day which is almost five times as much as White & Case. Also dominated by original content, the Norton Rose Fulbright Twitter feed is heavily text based, making for an educational experience and easily distributable information.

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius

At 7,797 followers, this firm is by far the one with the lowest reach on the list. However, with an average of 3.48 tweets per day, Morgan, Lewis & Brockius manages to acquire enough retweets and favorites to put Norton Rose Fulbright and Baker McKenzie to the test. Their Twitter feed consists mostly of images with lengthy captions and links – a different approach than the larger firms on the list. Regardless of their delivery, this firm’s method clearly appears to be working with their audience, because no matter how small their follower count may be in comparison to other firms, at the end of the day, the high frequency of engagement goes to show that Morgan, Lewis & Bockius’ message is still being spread.

Baker McKenzie

This firm is notorious for the high amount of engagement they receive on their tweets, shattering any competition that may come their way. Unlike the other firms on this list, in addition to posting original graphics and content, Baker Mckenzie also curates content from other professionals and firms – a method in which they prove their credibility and knowledge on the subject matter. But that doesn’t mean the feed is boring in the least! Keeping on par with the desire for aesthetic, Baker McKenzie’s Twitter feed shows off various hues of reds and blues, solidifying their brand identity on the platform. The firm does an excellent job of humanizing their content by tweeting behind the scenes photos of their partners and associates – making them seem far more approachable and “real” to the average Twitter user.


While finding the perfect balance between original and curated content on Twitter may take a bit to strike, taking a glance at the way these firms tackle the dilemma is a great place to start. However, with target audiences varying and motives changing from firm to firm, it’s important to take your own firm’s goals and aspirations into account when developing the perfect Twitter strategy. Not inspired yet? Contact us to brainstorm further about your law firm’s social media strategy.

law firm twitter


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