13 Tips for Creating Compelling Law Firm Video Content on LinkedIn
Video has become a key element of a successful marketing mix; and in fact, has become really important on LinkedIn. Video content has been proven to capture more users’ attention, and audiences are more likely to share video than other types of content (20 times more likely). LinkedIn has become a trusted source of helpful video content, and if you’re not participating, you’re leaving a lot of opportunities on the table. However, not all video is created equal. You need to carefully consider your audience and goals when creating content. Luckily, LinkedIn offers a lot of features to help video content creators. Here are 13 of our best tips for generating engagement with LinkedIn video for law firms.
LinkedIn Video for Law Firms
1. Focus on Adding Value
This is really a tip for all forms of content creation! Too many law firms create more videos that are essentially talking head interviews. While those have their place, you need to think outside the box. What would actually interest or help the audience for your video? Key takeaways from conferences, sneak peeks around your office, or time-saving hacks are all fresh ideas for documenting on video.
2. Use Your Phone to Create Timely Videos
The ability to upload content directly from your phone is a powerful tool for marketers. It allows you to capitalize on current events and provide relevant updates. A series of short videos from an industry event, for example, can be filmed quickly and easily and is probably interesting to people considering attending such an event.
3. Understand Mobile Viewing
It’s essential to understand that 57% of all engagement with LinkedIn content happens on mobile. Many LinkedIn members watch video primarily on mobile vs. a desktop. Your chances of engagement are much greater if you adapt to this fact. Pro tip: capture video vertically, so that people viewing on mobile don’t have to turn their phone.
4. Choose Horizontal or Vertical Filming
Either way is fine, but don’t change your mind or adjust partway through. Be consistent in framing your shot or you risk irritating viewers.
5. Use a Tripod
Investing in a simple tripod will ensure that your camera or phone is steady while you film, which can really up the production quality. Videos shot with a tripod tend to look a lot more professional.
6. Be Careful of the Background Noise
As you record video, you need to be hyper-conscious of what’s happening in the background and how that might impact audio. Too much background noise sounds unprofessional and is just annoying. You can use a headset or external microphone to reduce some of this noise. A high-quality, noise-reducing microphone is often a worthwhile investment.
7. Invest in Learning Simple Editing Tools
There is a lot of intuitive editing software that can really improve your final product. Tools like iMovie or Camtasia allow you to control the pace and length of your film while being more creative with the content. There is a small learning curve, but it’s worth choosing at least one tool to become more familiar with.
8. Add Subtitles
It’s quite common for people to watch videos without sound. Maybe they are in a scenario where they can be on their phone, but not have sound on. Regardless, subtitles are a valuable addition to any video. Whenever you can, try adding subtitles for at least key portions of your video.
9. Be Engaging
This tip seems obvious but can be quite difficult to do. People place a surprising value on humor and creativity in video content. Try being funny and showing some personality. Remember that a lot of employees – senior staff in particular – engage with LinkedIn outside of regular business hours and in that context are more likely to spend time on video that is entertaining or simply intriguing. It’s ok to show a little of your human side sometimes.
If you’d like to see a deeper dive into how to create content that engages your audience on social media, check out this free eBook: Advanced Social Media Strategies for Law Firms eBook.
10. Keep Things Short and Sweet
Everyone watching your video is busy, just like you. Though LinkedIn allows videos of up to 10 minutes, the optimal time is much shorter. Many people don’t want to invest more than 3 minutes in watching a video. Furthermore, most people check the length of a video before pushing “play”. Keeping video short will do a better job of enticing people to commit to watching.
11. The First Six Seconds Matter Most
The overall length of the video is important, but many experts agree that you really only have the first 6 seconds to capture attention. Make the most of those seconds and get straight to the point. Include a powerful hook that lets people know the value they can expect from the video, or subtitles that do the same. Traditional intro boards can actually cut into this time and are not the best use of these initial moments. Dispense with the formalities and dive right in.
12. Create Videos in Chapters
LinkedIn offers the ability to edit video into shorter chapters that can be shared in sequence. This can be very useful for sponsored content campaigns, particularly when promoting more than one at the same time. Furthermore, LinkedIn algorithms can optimize your campaign around the best-performing content.
13. Leverage Text
Think of text and video as a partnership. Your updates should introduce, promote, or tease the content of video you produce. When you post videos, carefully consider the copy that you post alongside them. Additionally, remember that video isn’t always the best format for some kinds of information. If you have detailed information to convey, consider simply writing about it instead.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with video content on LinkedIn. There are several features that make video incredibly user-friendly and engaging, and people are choosing video content more every day. If you’re not sure where to start with LinkedIn, check in with our video production experts. We can help you to script, plan, and promote compelling video content across every digital platform.
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