law firm content marketing

Law Firm Editorial Calendar: A Key to More Effective Content Marketing

by Noreen Fishman • October 6th, 2017 • Content Marketing | Blog

Law Firm Editorial CalendarIf you want to establish a successful law firm content marketing strategy, you should begin by setting up an editorial calendar. This advice is not restricted to law firms, it’s a general axiom for all business blogging.

It’s broadly applicable to publications of all sorts — whether you’re publishing website content or an e-zine, an email newsletter or a podcast — your production operation will only run smoothly once you develop the habit of planning your editorial calendar well in advance.

It’s easy to get started.. There are a number of apps and plugins that have been developed that will enable you to set up your own editorial calendar or you can just use a simple spreadsheet. See our discussion of applications including Google Sheets, Trello, and more.  

At its most basic, an editorial calendar is simply a list of topics to cover, authors, and deadlines for upcoming articles that you want to include in your blog or website. The list of ideas should be developed bearing in mind the audience you’re trying to reach and also considering the calendar of upcoming events in the industries or legal fields that are the focus of your practice – everything from scheduled conferences to pending legislation or court cases on appeal — all of which present the opportunity for commentary and discussion. As you develop your ideas further you can come up with themes and seasonal topics.

You can get more sophisticated by including keywords and phrases you want to be ranked for to make sure you’re writing relevant content consistently. You can also create call-to-action banners for each of your services and match them to related content. 

The important thing is that you have to establish the institutional mind frame to plan your editorial calendar ahead as much as possible. Why? – because it helps you stay true to your content strategy and keeps everyone responsible for producing content accountable. 

Updated and republished October 6, 2017.

content marketing



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