Using Content Marketing to Increase ROI for Your Law Firm
We’ve stressed in previous blog posts the importance of creating content to market your law firm. This time, we’re providing a quick refresher course on the steps your law firm should take to increase the return on investment for its content marketing efforts.
Step One: Create Quality Content. The Content Marketing Institute’s Michael Brenner recently wrote: “The majority of content discovered by your audience comes from just three channels: email, search, and social. The best marketers focus their efforts on creating content that can be discovered across all of these.” By engaging with your audience and creating shareable content, your law firm is increasing its chances of bettering its ROI.
In fact, one of the key advantages of content marketing is that it helps you reach those who may not be using your services, engage them in content and then convert them into clients. As we’ve written before, you won’t do this by simply pushing promotional messages about your brand, attorneys, or practice areas. You need to be seen as a trusted source of information that is providing real value to an audience. Doing so can increase your organic search engine results and bring more potential clients to your site.
Step Two: If It’s Not Working, Get Rid Of It. Your firm doesn’t have an unlimited budget. Review the marketing programs your firm has in place and make sure they are actually working. If marketing plans aren’t working, redirect those funds to plans that better suit your firm.
Step Three: Be Patient. Though you should review programs for effectiveness, you should also give them time to work. Content marketing requires consistency, time and effort to increase traffic. As Brenner says, “Content marketing is an investment that produces a compounding rate of return. … It’s like a retirement account. Invest a small percentage of your budget over time. The first dollar you invest continues to deliver value to your brand long after the publish date. You compound those returns by continually making that investment.”
Step Four: You Need Subscribers. Audience members who subscribe to your firm’s content via email are many times more likely to become paying clients than non-subscribers, Brenner says. According to Campaign Monitor, “Even with the explosion of new technology, marketers keep coming back to email. The reason is clear–for ten years in a row, email is the channel generating the highest ROI for marketers. For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI.” You can also more easily measure the level of engagement in your content and directly market services to a list of subscribers. “Email is one of the highest-producing ROI tactics marketers employ,” Brenner says.
Step Five: Keep an eye on your current clients. Subscriptions to an email can yield another benefit: They can allow you to track current customers and their interests. “My clients who tracked customers who engage with their content marketing found these customers spend on average two to three times more and stayed three to four times longer than non-subscribed customers,” Brenner says.
By engaging with your audience and providing informative content, you can increase your subscriptions and revenue over time. Knowing what is and isn’t working can also help you put your marketing budget to better use and help you maximize the return on your law firm’s content marketing investment.
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