law firm marketing

Law Firm Content Marketing: A Long Term Relationship

by Kierstin Vermeulen • October 6th, 2016 • Content Marketing | Blog

Law Firm Content MarketingLike any long-term relationship, law firm content marketing takes time and a little TLC. But with patience and continuing commitment, law firms can reap the rewards of content marketing with stronger brands and deeper client relationships. Let’s talk about how the investment works.

Law firm content marketing allows firms to build a following for their unique content and to maintain a continuous and direct contact with those followers. Through content marketing law firms gain a direct pipeline to clients – which can save time and marketing dollars.

Building that follower base takes time. Law firms can rely on their current followers to help attract new ones. To do that, they need to earn their followers’ trust before those followers consider sharing the firm’s content with their own networks. How does a firm develop that trust? This only happens over time, as a firm becomes recognized as a reliable provider of meaningful content.

When law firms provide their own content, they demonstrate their expertise on a topic. This helps establish their credibility as a knowledgeable source to a potential client.  Content marketing also helps law firms gain exposure to journalists and bloggers by becoming an essential source of expert information. Lawyers fortunate enough to collaborate with the press are able to position themselves as thought leaders on a topic. And being considered a thought leader can yield invitations to speak at and participate in conferences.

Creating a library of content can be thought of as a compounding investment. Jason Demers explains the concept in a recent article: “As your investment (the content) earns interest (interest from followers), your principal (your thought leadership) grows and you earn more interest (NEW followers) with each subsequent round of compounding (adding content).”  The more content a firm builds, the better it will look to potential clients and to search engines. Over time, high-quality and frequently updated content boosts search engine optimization that can get your firm noticed.

How long might it take before a law firm sees results from content marketing? Kevin Vermeulen, Good2bSocial’s content marketing advisor and chief operating officer, explains that it typically takes about three to four months. “It takes time to build a following and a thought leadership position. And it may be several months before traffic to your web site demonstrably increases.” But slow initial growth doesn’t mean your team should stop producing content and give up. Research topics that will highlight your firm’s expertise, create an editorial calendar for content, and commit to it. Maintaining a constant presence online is what builds reputation and encourages faith in a firm and its content.

law firm content marketing



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