law firm marketing

10 Tips to Humanizing a Lawyer’s Tweets

by Kierstin Vermeulen • November 1st, 2016 • Social Media | Blog

Lawyer's tweetsWith more than 313 million active users per month, Twitter has taken the world by storm. Twitter’s stated mission is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly. Seventy-nine percent of Twitter users live outside the United States, and the platform drives one billion unique visits monthly to websites embedded within tweets. With that kind of reach and engagement, it’s safe to say that Twitter can be a great marketing tool for law firms. But how can a lawyer’s tweets be heard among all of those other users?

Building relationships, trust and valuable connections are the keys to success on Twitter.  But you can’t rely on software to accomplish this. Forming a personal connection with your audience is a sure-fire way to get the most bang for your 140 characters. In this article, we provide 10 tips to humanizing a lawyer’s tweets.

1. Listen more than you talk

Twitter is all about engaging and knowing your audience. Before spewing out tweets, your firm should research its target audience. Get to know how your clients communicate, what their concerns are, and how your firm can help. Listen to what your audience and clients are talking about and consider how your tweets can best relate to them. Your tweets should speak to your audience in a manner they will understand.

2. Care about your audience

Twitter is a community, and within this community, people are supposed to care and engage with each other. If your firm is solely promoting its own content, people will know that the firm is only about itself. When you tweet, take into account what clients are saying and tailor your message to them in a helpful way.

3. Be responsive

Carve out time to engage and interact: communicating, sharing, and being available to your audience. Show your audience that you are there to help and offer them insight in a timely manner. Your followers will respond favorably to your responsiveness.

4. Think before you tweet

What happens on Twitter does NOT stay on Twitter. A good rule of thumb, given by Pam Moore, “If you wouldn’t tweet it to your momma, don’t tweet it at all.” Think before you tweet!

5. Vary your content

To keep your following interested, mix up the content. By varying your tweets with images, video and audio, your firm can share more information with followers. According to a podcast by Social Media Today, images are processed by the brain 60x faster than words! Video can also transport your followers to seminars they can’t attend in person.

6. Speak with, not at your audience

Your firm should have a plan to inspire and connect prospects with its content. Interactivity with clients and prospects should be a primary objective of your tweets. Share content that will spark a dialog and give readers the tools to be better informed about legal issues.

7. Give more than you get

Put yourself in a potential client’s shoes: Would you want to read the content your firm is putting out? Your law firm needs to make sure that its content inspires, and as Pam Moore says, “activates” your audience to want to connect and work with you on their potential legal cases.

8. Share third party content

Sharing another law firm’s tweets might seem odd. Isn’t the point to promote your own firm? Yet by promoting others you are indirectly promoting yourself — and putting yourself in full view of your competitor’s followers and positioning yourself as a thought leader. By sharing content from competitors, industry leaders, and third-party news sources, your firm can present itself as a credible resource.

9. Have a human profile

Aside from your law firm having its own Twitter account, it’s important for lawyers to establish their own accounts as well. Users want to be able to connect directly with individual attorneys at the firm. It helps them feel like they’re making a human connection – something a firm account may not be able to provide.

The whole point of social media is to connect person to person. It empowers the attorneys at your firm to build a large following and build reliability and trust with followers. Twitter can be a great tool to learn more about clients’ needs and see how your law firm can assist and educate. 

lawyer's tweets



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