law firm marketing

Tips for Law Firms Thinking About Launching a Podcast

by Vondrae McCoy • March 13th, 2020 • Legal Marketing | Blog

law firm podcastPeople are consuming podcasts at an astonishing rate and the industry continues to grow each year. In fact, it has grown 40% between 2017 and 2019. And, podcasts aren’t just being used for entertainment purposes. Law firms and businesses alike are realizing the advantages of having their own podcast to be able to communicate more directly and efficiently with their target audiences. Along with blogs, thought leadership papers, and videos, podcasts are a great way for lawyers to highlight their expertise and assure potential clients of their credibility. Launching a successful podcast with a loyal following is easier said than done, however. That’s why we’ve put together this list of things to keep in mind when you’re thinking about launching your own podcast for your law firm.

1. Be Realistic About Time

Starting a podcast isn’t difficult, but there are a lot of steps involved. Aside from coming up with a catchy title, law firms thinking about launching a podcast will have to do prep work as well as recording, editing, and posting it onto the necessary channels for promotion. There’s also the process of landing great guests to appear on your law firm’s podcast. Make sure your guests’ expertise and values align with those of your firm.

2. Consistency is Key

This rule goes for several aspects of your show: how frequently you post new podcasts, the content and structure of your show, and who you choose as your host. In terms of frequency, don’t overcommit what you, your firm, and your staff can realistically do. Podcasts should be 15-20 minutes in length, and a consistent show structure will help to keep your show under this limit. Structure will also allow listeners to know what to expect when they download your podcast, making them more likely to subscribe and keep listening. Sticking with the same host from show to show will help in this regard as well.

3. Be Prepared to Edit

A raw podcast audio file is definitely going to have a few wrinkles, whether they be moments of silence or people talking over one another. Let’s be honest; nobody is going to want to listen to a podcast with bad audio quality. Your firm will want to edit these out to create a good, consistent flow throughout the episode. Adding intro and outro themes will also up your podcast’s production value. You should plan for the time it takes to edit in your schedule.

4. Promote Your Podcast Often

After putting in extensive time developing and perfecting your podcast, you’ll want to make sure it reaches the public. You will first need a hosting service that you can then use to submit your podcast to platforms such as iTunes and Stitcher, and there are several popular services available. Once your podcast is posted, promote it as often as you can utilizing social media outlets, newsletters, and email blasts to share your show with your clients and greater network. 

5. Create a Webpage for Your Law Firm’s Podcast

This is a hugely helpful way to promote your firm’s podcast! You’ll want to create a webpage for it on your firm’s current. We recommend including show notes for each episode, which we do for our own Legal Marketing 2.0 Podcast. This will make it easy for your audience to find and listen to each episode. As is true about your firm’s main website, you’ll want to have a strong design for it and make sure it’s SEO optimized. This will ensure that more people will find and view the webpage.

6. Make a Plan for Each Episode

If you go into a podcast episode cold-turkey, it may be difficult to get a consistent flow going. You’ll want to plan extensively for each episode; make sure you have talking points ready to go before you start recording. Plan out each episode on paper and make specific steps to ensure that each episode is the best quality your law firm can produce!


It may seem a little bit intimidating at first, but learning to put together your own podcasts for your law firm will pay off in the end. They have the potential to educate, inspire, inform, entertain, and reach people from all over the world. If you need more tips on getting started with your firm’s podcast, give ours a listen – or contact us and we can help you with your podcast production and promotion.



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