law firm content marketing

Sharing Made Simple: How to Get Your Team to Share Your Law Firm’s Content

by Noreen Fishman • July 31st, 2020 • Content Marketing | Blog

Share your Law Firm's ContentWant to maximize your law firm’s written content to its fullest potential? That means not only sharing it out to your law firm’s social media accounts, but also enlisting your team to distribute it from theirs. By leveraging all firm employees as brand ambassadors, you can quickly and measurably increase your content’s reach with your target audience. From marketing associates to paralegals, managing partners and law firm associates – we’ll teach you how to get everyone on board to share your law firm’s content.

Here are five best practices you can use to encourage your team members to share your law firm’s content:

1. Choose the content wisely.

If your law firm is publishing content multiple times per day, asking your team to share every single piece of content will become tedious on your part and overwhelming on theirs. Rather, send notices to your employees to share only crucial firm content. To determine which content is deemed crucial, make an internal checklist. If the content meets at least one of these criteria, ask for some extra help distributing it:

  • Does it highlight an event or conference?
  • Is it timely, or does it touch on a topic that a lot of people in your target audience are talking about right now?
  • Does it acknowledge a recent award or accomplishment that your law firm is proud of?
  • Does this third-party content show that our firm is on top of the latest trends, and industry-specific information?

2. Speak your team’s language.

How does everyone on your team like to communicate? Does your team prefer email? What about your internal chat platform? Determine which method of communication is best, and stick to it for consistency. If you use Slack for internal communications, create a “#share” thread for articles that need attention.

3. Do as much legwork as possible. Make sharing content seamless!

It’s crucial that you make it easy for your team members to share your law firm’s content. It’s not enough to simply send an article or Zoom link to an upcoming webinar and beg co-workers to “Please share!!” If you do this, how will anyone know the strategy behind the piece, the best copy to write or hashtags to use?

When you send your request to share, include the link to the content, copy for your team to use along with hashtags and an image to boost engagement. They should have everything they need in one place to quickly post a social update. Include copy lengths for Twitter and LinkedIn and Facebook. Remember that character limits and hashtag best practices vary by channel. Do keep in mind that while employees shouldn’t mind sharing firm related content, they also do not want to sound like a sales pitch every time they share on social media.

4. Encourage participation; don’t force it.

A major factor in getting your team to participate in sharing your firm’s content is to not force participation, rather encourage it. Explain to your team how their social media advocacy participation not only benefits the law firm but helps them individually as well (professional career growth, thought leadership, etc). You want to show that distributing your law firm’s content is mutually beneficial, not just one-sided.

As new hires join the firm, ensure they know what the social media policies are. If you are using an employee advocacy tool like PostBeyond, host training sessions for the new hires. If you work for a law firm with thousands of employees, maybe every month or quarter host a webinar training session.

5. Gamify the social media experience.

Gamification typically applies to games yet this concept is valuable when it comes to incentivizing team participation and engagement on social media. This way, your firm isn’t making it seem like participation is required but those who do get involved have a chance to receive some sort of prize. For example, our social media employee advocacy software displays a leaderboard that shows the top people sharing content, getting engagements, and garnering clicks and shares. A little internal friendly competition never hurts!


When your employees actively share the firm’s blog posts or podcasts among their own social networks, you are reaching exponentially more people than simply relying on your firm’s Twitter or LinkedIn reach. These tips should make it easier for you to get your entire law firm involved in the content distribution process. The ultimate goal would be to get employees and everyone firm-wide to engage in social media advocacy in the long run.

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