law firm marketing

4 Tips to Grow Your Law Firm’s Instagram Audience

by Shruthi N • January 24th, 2019 • Social Media | Blog

law firm's Instagram audienceAs Instagram has increased in popularity for the legal industry over the past few years, firms are finding that their account’s impact is measured by its followers as much as it is by its content. However, growing your law firm’s Instagram audience can prove to be a daunting task. Whether you’re simply trying to expand your account’s audience or your firm is starting completely from scratch, these tips are sure to boost your reach in no time.

1. Engage with Your Existing Audience

The “social” part of social media is commonly overlooked by numerous business Instagram accounts, leading to a mediocre audience with nearly half being ghost followers. What does this mean? Unfortunately, ghost followers create an illusion of a larger audience than is actually present. To ensure your followers are real, make sure to engage with them. A simple way to interact via Instagram includes responding to comments and/or direct messages. Doing this allows potential followers or users that find your account to be aware that your account is open and active.

2. Use Geotags to Encourage Discovery

Our friend the geotag is akin to the hashtag’s long, lost sibling. Similar to hashtags, geotags can allow for your firm’s Instagram posts to be grouped according to location – a great tactic for smaller firms. What does this mean? Having your posts under a certain location can enable for a greater amount of discovery by local, potential clients, hence increasing your firm’s audience. Another perk? Not only are Instagram posts separated based upon geotags, so are Instagram stories!

3. Consistency Is Key

It’s a well known fact that posting more content leads to more engagement in the long run, but what does that entail exactly? Creating a posting schedule for your firm’s Instagram account can help increase your consistency. A calendar enables your firm to apply strategy to your posts and ensure a visual theme is present. Through this tool, not only will your account be consistent in regards to timing, but ideas as well. However, just because consistency is crucial to branding your firm and getting your ideas across to your audience, it doesn’t mean spontaneity is forbidden. Don’t be afraid to switch it up once in a while to surprise your audience if you capture the perfect moment at a conference or industry event. If you’re struggling to come up with original content for your firm’s Instagram, take some notes from five of the most inspiring law firm Instagram accounts.

4. Embrace Authenticity

On social media, real sells. In this day and age, people want to see content that they can relate to and follow accounts they feel are authentic. So how does this apply to your firm? Simply put, brand yourself in a less stuffy manner. It’s a tricky gamble to find a sweet spot between professional and not, but once found, it’s the key to attracting more followers. Some easy ways to up your “realness” can be to avoid over-editing your photos, change the tone of your captions, and even post spontaneous or “behind-the-scenes” content. For law firms that aim to attract talent via Instagram, it’s important to show what it’s really like to work at your firm. From charity events to firm outings, Instagram is the opportunity to showcase firm culture.


Expanding your law firm’s Instagram audience is crucial to ensuring your firm’s voice is heard. These methods, used in combination with one another, are sure to send your firm’s account on its merry way to “insta fame”. Have more questions on how to increase your firm’s Instagram audience? Contact us for a consultation.

Law Firm’s Instagram Audience


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