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Podcast Ep. 73: The Evolution of Social Media in the Legal Industry

by Shruthi N • December 26th, 2018 • Podcast

In this podcast, Maya Koshaba, the Social Media Strategist at Goodwin, discusses today’s multimedia environment and how to best utilize social media in the legal industry.

Podcast Show Notes

Maya Koshaba is Goodwin’s Social Media Strategist. Throughout her career as a social media practitioner, Maya has stood at the forefront of social storytelling, innovatively honing her skillset in today’s multimedia environment. With a plethora of corporate knowledge alongside her robust entertainment industry experience, Maya has lent her talent to various Fortune 500 companies (Samsung US HQ and Saks Fifth Avenue), developing global social media initiatives.

Connect with Maya on LinkedIn, the Goodwin Law Twitter, or the Goodwin Law website.

Social Media is a Universal Language

With experience in diverse Fortune 500 companies, Koshaba noticed one similarity amongst those industries and the legal industry: social media strategy. As a continuously evolving field, social media presents new opportunities to learn at every turn. The best part? Social media is a universal language. The same knowledge has the ability to be applied across multiple industries .

The Evolution of Social Media

Social media has worked to change the way the world shares information, impacting day to day life. But the “new age” brings about great advantages and changes to the pre-existing tool – the change from informative to interactive content being the most prominent one. This change in content can be seen in virtually every social media platform, photo or video based. Some examples include sharing a post on Facebook, or watching a video on Instagram with a call to action at the end. This real time engagement is allowing more firms and brands to become their own newsroom.

Reaching Your Target Audience Through Paid Social Media

Organic social media practices are no longer sufficient for targeting audiences – a challenge for firms looking to have their content reach specific viewers. But as the need for social media increases, more firms are investing in paid social – a tool which serves to ease the process of targeting and further acts upon the current trend of peer to peer sharing. Social media is all about listening and adapting. Since the majority of clients maintain a social media presence, it’s more important now than ever to advertise – a capability organic social doesn’t have.

5 Pieces of Advice to Legal Marketers for 2019

  1. Switch your mindset and humanize your brand. Transparency is the key to making your content more relatable and digestible. Although not the first social media platform of choice in the legal industry, Instagram is perfect for this purpose.
  2. Customize your content to each platform. Take the time to tailor each photo or video to the appropriate channel. For instance, the optimal length for Instagram videos is 30 seconds, while longer videos tend to do better on platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. Don’t be afraid to be electric – interactive is key in our modern day relationship oriented world.
  3. Listen to what your audience is saying. Listening will help you and your firm create content that will be best received by your target audience. Koshaba’s own experience relied heavily upon testing- a tool used by Goodwin to this day.
  4. Know your objective. Before pushing anything on social media, know the goals you and your team are trying to accomplish. Is it increasing engagement or reach? Are you trying to reach a specific audience? Is website traffic high on your priority list.
  5. Build Internal Support. Internal buy-in at your firm is critical to building your firm’s support network. Without internal support, external support is highly unlikely. An excellent way to kickstart this process is by building an internal social media advocacy team and internal social media influencers.


In the digital world, firms no longer have a choice of whether or not to maintain a social media presence; the question now lies within how well each firm utilizes it. The key to successful social media practices lies in the ability of your firm to adapt and listen to its audience.

Social Media in the Legal Industry


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