law firm content marketing

5 Strategies to Grow Your Law Firm’s YouTube Subscribers

by Kevin Vermeulen • November 27th, 2020 • Social Media | Blog

law firm's youtubeVideo marketing has been on the rise over the past few years, growing ever more popular and accessible for law firms. And while popular sites such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even your own website are great places to invest, YouTube remains the giant in the space, with people spending a billion hours each day watching videos on the platform. Often referred to as the world’s “second largest search engine,” YouTube can help your law firm’s content be found quickly and engaged with thoroughly – if you have a large number of subscribers.

Your YouTube subscriber count isn’t just another vanity metric. Gaining more subscribers is the best way to maximize your organic reach on the second-largest search engine. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most effective strategies to grow your law firm’s YouTube subscribers.

Release Videos on a Consistent Schedule

One of the best methods of gaining more subscribers on YouTube is to release quality content consistently. We suggest posting 1 video a week to start, and increasing to 3-4 per week as your channel grows. If you upload videos consistently, then your audience knows that more good content is coming, and they’re more likely to tap subscribe.

Don’t worry; you don’t need a big marketing budget to get this done as today’s smartphones offer excellent video recording ability.

Organize Playlists Properly

Playlists are a great way to increase your channel’s watch time. They also motivate people to click subscribe by lining up your best content in one place. Start the playlists off with videos that have the best engagement statistics, then continue them with related videos, ending on those with the lowest retention rate.

Add a CTA

If you have watched any videos on YouTube recently, you know that most YouTubers will end their videos by asking you to like and subscribe to their content. You should be doing the same as this is actually a very effective method of gaining subscribers. By placing this call to action at the end of the video instead of the beginning, viewers can make an informed decision based on the video content.

Choose Thumbnails Carefully

To improve your search rankings on YouTube, go ahead and make sure your videos’ thumbnails are ready to wow browsers. This is particularly important because YouTube gives the click-through rate a great deal of significance for rankings. Unfortunately, no one will click-through on videos with subpar or average thumbnails. To avoid that problem, consider using a talking head, which plays on the fact that we are drawn naturally to human faces. You should also consider contrasting colors in the background and foreground of the thumbnail, as this helps it pop.

Optimize for Keywords

You may not realize it, but optimization plays an important role on YouTube just like it does on search engines. This is done via keywords in the descriptions, tags, and titles of your videos. You should also place the keywords in the video files, thumbnail files, and SRT files. Instead of placing random keywords, use the YouTube Search Report to find the popular queries that let viewers find your videos.

Related: YouTube for Law Firms: How to Boost Video Visibility


Once you get new subscribers on your law firm’s YouTube channel, take steps to ensure you do not lose them or your hard work will go to waste. To retain attention, continue creating engaging content that educates your target audience. Remember, driving engagement with quality content is what develops engaged followers and subsequently, advocates of your firm. If your law firm needs help producing videos and developing a YouTube strategy, contact us for a consultation.

Updated and Republished from May 19, 2019

law firm's youtube


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