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Podcast Ep. 38: Authenticity and Passion – Law Firm Testimonials with Vikram Rajan

by Good2bSocial • February 20th, 2018 • Podcast

Can you just write the testimonial and I’ll sign off on it?

Anyone who’s asked for a testimonial has heard a similar response. In this episode of the Legal Marketing 2.0 podcast, Vikram Rajan talks about why and how lawyers can get authentic testimonials from passionate clients.

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Vikram Rajan is the co-founder of phoneBlogger.net and of Raviate, the word-of-mouth marketing automation app. He is a Forbes columnist and frequent presenter at bar associations. Twitter: @vikramrajan

Why don’t more law firms use testimonials?

Some attorneys are rightfully concerned about their clients’ privacy which makes them reluctant to ask for and publicize client testimonials. Figuring out the right time to ask and the potential of hearing negative feedback can both be awkward. However, attorneys who don’t include testimonials as part of their marketing strategy are missing out on a valuable tool.

How do testimonials help with referrals?

Testimonials can help prospective clients validate their choice of law firm and prove to them that an attorney has a track record of providing value. Client loyalty is also boosted when you ask for a testimonial for your law firm. Clients sharing these testimonials through their social channels is a form of word of mouth referral which only makes the return on investment even higher.

Who should write your testimonial?

Some law firms consider writing their own testimonials for their clients to sign off on. However, this negates that authenticity and passion that’s generated when clients give their honest testimonials. You also lose the opportunity for both positive and negative feedback which serves as market research for your firm. It’s insightful to see what areas of your service your clients value the most.

Making it easier for your clients to provide you with their testimonial doesn’t have to mean writing one for them. Instead, try giving them a bulleted list of pointers and specifics they can expand on.

The Relationship with Social Media

Features like LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements are a start, but publicizing the testimonials you collect via social media is a vital piece of this type of marketing strategy. Testimonials are great content for social media as they allow you to take a break from self-promotion and give your audience the chance to hear what others think about you. 

It’s good to post a wide variety of testimonials in order to show diversity in practice areas and competencies within the firm, but remember that quality always comes before quantity. Testimonial marketing takes referral marketing to a whole new level when the writers of your testimonials share their recommendations on social media within their circle of influence.

Should lawyers be sharing testimonials for other lawyers?

Reciprocity is the golden rule of marketing which means that when you share other lawyers’ testimonials, they’ll be more likely to share or even write ones for you. Certainly, avoid sharing testimonials of direct competitors, but don’t be afraid to make other lawyers look good. This can make you seem more authentic to prospective clients.


It’s crucial to be proactive with internet marketing. Create a marketing strategy around testimonials and then implement it through social media. Testimonials are important to promote authenticity and passion around you as an attorney or your law firm as a whole and therefore they are one of the most powerful marketing tools.

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