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Podcast Ep. 35: Five Questions Legal Marketers Should Ask in 2018 with Jaron Rubenstein

by Good2bSocial • January 30th, 2018 • Podcast

Good2bSocial’s founder Guy Alvarez welcomes software engineer and legal marketer Jaron Rubenstein to the podcast. They discuss five questions legal marketers should ask in 2018. Jaron touches on content marketing, engaging with your firm’s target audience, the potential of artificial intelligence in marketing, getting the most out of your content management system, and much more.

The running theme throughout the conversation is strategy and technology. 

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Jaron Rubenstein is the President of Rubenstein Technology Group, an enterprise software developer and business consultancy that helps marketers tap the power of technology to become more efficient and productive. He leads the growth and development of the business while also setting the strategic vision.

Since founding the company in 2002, he has seen his small startup expand beyond consulting services into a 30-person, best-in-class enterprise software firm. Before founding Rubenstein Technology Group, Jaron was a software engineer at Lockheed Martin and Reuters. Twitter: @RubensteinTech

How does a law firm marketer determine if their content strategy supports their business objectives

Content marketing has finally come of age and firms need a content strategy that unifies their content across the firm. First, law firms should define the business objectives they would like to achieve through their content. It’s ineffective to just put out content without a plan because increased production of blog or social media posts does not simply yield better results.

Instead, law firms must develop intelligent content that is targeted around a particular audience.

How does a firm ensure that they’re delivering a unique, engaging experience through their site?

While technology can support your firm’s strategy, you need to focus on content first. You can’t be all things to all people, so try to focus on personalizing the experience you provide based on a specific target audience. Personalization is about offering the right content to the right audience at the right time in the right format. All platforms require a lot of content to be engaging and effective.

What role should AI play in how law firms operate and serve their clients?

There are so many potential applications of AI in the legal sector. Currently, it’s being used in the business of law for analyzing cases and potential outcomes. In legal marketing, AI technologies are still emerging. AI could potentially empower conversational interfaces that provide better customer service experiences for legal clients.

While AI is an exciting prospect, it takes a certain kind of firm and a certain kind of marketing team to fully utilize the AI tech available.

How does a firm know if they’re investing effectively in their security measures?

The past couple of years have seen many major corporations getting hacked, from Sony to Netflix. There are a lot of easy steps that marketing teams can take to ensure they are not targeted by hackers. For example, law firms should use password vaults so that only certain people within the firm have access to accounts. Then, every few months or when someone leaves the team, account passwords should be refreshed.

Recently, multi-factor authentication has become popular. Not only is it essential for your website, but it’s also important for all firm accounts including your CMS and social media.

How does a firm decide which CMS is best for them?

Across the sector, smaller marketing teams need to do more with less. When you’re in this position, look for ease of use, the ability to train, and ability to grow with the Content Management System you choose.

For firms that have not yet started marketing automation: think not only about what you need today, but what you will need tomorrow. We don’t know what tomorrow is going to look like, technology is a continuously evolving landscape.

When deciding between CMS solutions, test out each that you’re considering and think about the capabilities you may want in the future. The CMS platform you choose is going to feed and drive your social media and content strategy.


Marketing technology is such a fast evolving field and it’s crucial to keep informed about emerging technologies. Before diving in head first, test new programs and see what works the best for your firm.

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