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Podcast Ep. 24: Data Driven Social Media and LinkedIn Deep Dive with Adrian Dayton

by Good2bSocial • October 31st, 2017 • Podcast

In this episode of the Legal Marketing 2.0 podcast, Adrian Dayton joins us to talk about evaluating data so lawyers and marketers can make more informed decisions when it comes to crafting a social media strategy. And, we do a deep dive on  LinkedIn, which is gradually becoming more social, opening up opportunities for lawyers to build their networks and share content.

Legal Marketing 2.0 Podcast Ep. 24: Data Driven Social Media and LinkedIn Deep Dive with Adrian DaytonAdrian Dayton speaks nationally and around the world on social media and business development for lawyers. He’s written a few books including one Twitter for Lawyers and LinkedIn for Lawyers and has trained and coached thousands of lawyers and legal professionals on social media. Adrian founded ClearView Social, used by some of the largest law and accounting firms to help professionals easily share the firm’s content on social media. Website: ClearView Social | Twitter: @adriandayton


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How does data impact how we use social media platforms?

There’s a difference between data and actionable intelligence. Many firms have a lot of data, but it only takes a few key insights to help them make better decisions. Marketers and lawyers often think they know what people want to hear, but they should be open to  data that may show something very different.

For lawyers, the stakes can be higher and therefore they have a lower tolerance for mistakes and failures. This may lead to lawyers being hesitant to post things their audience won’t appreciate and as a result, they just don’t share. But, the risk of sharing something your network doesn’t find interesting is almost zero. You never really know what’s going to go viral, so it’s essential to share often and discover what content makes the most impact.

LinkedIn as a Social Network

In the past, LinkedIn was known as less of a social network and more of an online resume to catch the attention of recruiters. As LinkedIn is becoming more social, some people are posting content with more personal than professional value. LinkedIn is most effective somewhere in between these two extremes. The content you post must be personal and compelling, but still hold professional value.

How can a lawyer optimize their LinkedIn profile?

Lawyers should think of their LinkedIn profile as an elevator pitch: short, but meaningful. Give people exactly what they need to both hire you and refer business to you. Create a narrative with your bio that tells a compelling story about how you help people and why you’re the best choice to solve people’s problems. Whatever you put on LinkedIn should express what you most want to accomplish.

Publishing Content on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Publisher allows you to have a blog platform without needing your own domain. This service can be useful for evaluating feedback and learning how to create content based on reactions. Think of LinkedIn Publisher as a trial, it’s a great place to decide whether or not you want to invest the time to create your own blog.

If you already have a blog, repurpose posts on LinkedIn Publisher with a link to drive traffic to your own site.

LinkedIn best practices

Research shows that you can continuosly benefit by posting up to 20 times a month (once each business day). If you post this often, 60% of your network will see what you share.

When posting, original quality content should always be the priority, but specifically useful curated content is the second best. Content shouldn’t be self-promotional. Focus on building relationships.

How do marketers convince partners to get on board with social media?

Understand the challenge that you’re up against; lawyers are very teachable – when they want to be. When they’re ready to learn, jump on LinkedIn with them and do a search for people that you do business with. Use this as a chance to explore the new opportunities LinkedIn offers to further develop your business.

Social Media Services for Lawyers, Law Firms, and Legal Providers


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