Podcast Ep. 28: DLA Piper's Juliet McNulty and Josh Epstein Talk Digital Marketing on a Global Scale
…leadership and business oriented content goes on LinkedIn and Twitter. Advice for law firm marketers As a law firm marketer, you want to make yourself available as a resource to…
Podcast Ep. 20: Small Firm vs. Big Law Marketing with Stefanie Marrone
…and chairs for the Communications Regional Working Group. LinkedIn: Stefanie Marrone | Twitter: @StefanieMarrone Shownotes Small law firms face a different set of challenges than big law. However, they are…
Podcast Ep. 13 Marketing for Litigators with Litigation Funding CMO Gretchen Koehler
…the law, video commentary, and being visible in the media, can be hugely beneficial. Blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, creating an editorial calendar, tools to amplify messaging, all play an important role….
Podcast Ep. 80: The Importance of Digital Knowledge Management
…tools program, and being an author with McGraw Hill. Connect with Duane on the Yext website, his LinkedIn, and Twitter. What is Digital Knowledge Management and why does it matter…