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How To Leverage LinkedIn for Quality Leads

by Kevin Vermeulen • March 1st, 2023 • Social Media | Blog

For many lawyers, LinkedIn remains an untapped resource for new leads and business opportunities. Though LinkedIn is a crucial tool for lawyers, simply being on the platform is not enough. To drum up those leads, you need to be thoughtful and intentional about how you use all of the features LinkedIn offers. We’ve compiled several tactics that lawyers can use to obtain more quality leads on LinkedIn. Follow the 14 steps detailed here, and by simply spending 30 minutes per day on LinkedIn, you’ll generate better quality leads and more of them.

14-Step Plan for Generating More Leads on LinkedIn for Lawyers

1. Make Sure Your Summary is Impactful

This is step #1 in doing anything on LinkedIn for lawyers. Before you can focus on connections or leads, you need to be sure your summary addresses problems your clients face and how you help them resolve those challenges. It’s also important to highlight key expertise and information on how you’ve done that before. Make sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the summary, such as a link back to your website or blog. LinkedIn gives you 2,000 characters, which equates to approximately 250-300 words, and plenty of space to express yourself.

2. Create a 30-second Video of Your Elevator Pitch

Think of it as a commercial or a way you can grab a prospective client’s attention. When networking in person, you would likely have a short speech prepared that describes what you do, how you help others, and why you’re the best at it. Simply create a digital version that can be used for the online networking that happens on LinkedIn. 

3. Invest in Adding Connections

Every time you’re on LinkedIn, take a few moments to connect with others. The “People you may know” area is a good place to start. Not only will this grow your own network, but it will provide more opportunities to make other introductions (which people appreciate). 

4. Ask for Introductions if You Don’t Know Someone

Connecting with people that you’ve never actually met isn’t a great practice unless you have something to offer them. Maybe you’d like to invite them to your law firm’s podcast? If you don’t have anything to offer and there’s someone you’d like to meet, ask for an introduction via your network. 

5. Create a Lead List

Spend a few minutes each day reviewing the connections of your network. From there, you can create a list of people you’d like to meet. Reach out to your connections via email or phone for a more personal conversation, asking them to make an introduction to people on your lead list. 

6. Stay Connected to Current Clients and Prospects

When it comes to LinkedIn for lawyers, this is another area where spending a few minutes each day can pay off. When you get a new client or prospect, connect with them on LinkedIn. If they have a company page, follow it. Try to stay on top of what’s happening with them professionally. This way, you will be top-of-mind — think referrals and cross-selling services!

7. Post (Helpful) Updates

We recommend posting one item per day. It only takes a few minutes. Post a link to an article that you find interesting, news happening in your industry, or helpful resources. Not every update needs to generate conversation – but consistently posting will keep you in people’s feeds and you will be viewed as someone that provides value. Delivering content helps to establish your expertise and goes a long way in positioning you as a thought leader. See: How Lawyers Can Become LinkedIn Thought Leaders in 10 Easy Steps.

8. Join and Be Active Within Groups

Joining groups can help you find people in your target audience, and it also gives you a chance to expand your network and deepen connections. Just like with updates, it’s important not to sell or self-promote. Just join conversations and add value when you can. 

9. Congratulate Others

With LinkedIn for lawyers, once you’re in the habit of monitoring the company pages of close connections, you will know when good things happen for them. For any key contact, share their good news as a status update and recognize the person with an “@” reply.

10. Write Recommendations

When possible, spend 5 minutes writing thoughtful and truth-based recommendations for connections. Not only will that contact be likely to return the favor if needed, but it puts your name on their page, highlighting your connection and keeping your information top-of-mind for their network. 

11. Keep a Consistent Schedule

Many people forget about LinkedIn for a week or more, then spend a few hours digging in, then forget about it again. That method is unlikely to help you generate leads. We recommend carving out half an hour each day to review LinkedIn and implement the above tactics. 

12. Create a Script for Next Steps

Ideally, you’ll move conversations off LinkedIn. This is easier to do if you have scripts already created that guide your writing. Don’t just copy and paste the same message – but having a framework that helps your recipient move to your end goal is helpful. If you are a HubSpot user, you can create repetitive email content as an email template. You can access templates from the CRM or when sending an email from your inbox.

13. Start a Newsletterlinkedin for law firms

You can use LinkedIn’s newsletter feature to further establish yourself as a thought leader and engage with your audience in a new and exciting way. Use this newsletter to share news, articles, educational content, etc.

14. Leverage Hashtags

Do some research and figure out which hashtags are most relevant to your industry. Use these hashtags in your posts, and also follow some hashtags. When you see new posts under these hashtags, leave a thoughtful comment. This is a great way to get your name out there.


LinkedIn for lawyers truly offers an untapped resource for new business. Developing an intentional strategy to convert connections into leads they can nurture is key for law firms seeking to leverage the platform to build their practice. Follow the 14 steps detailed above to generate a steady flow of new inquiries into your law firm.

If you need assistance with your LinkedIn lead generation strategy, reach out to us today. We have vast experience helping lawyers and law firms achieve measurable success through social media.

This post has been edited and republished from Jun. 21, 2020.
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