law firm marketing

How to Promote your Law Firm’s Podcast: 10 Strategies to Try

by Vondrae McCoy • August 5th, 2020 • Content Marketing | Blog

law firm podcast promotionIf you follow our blog, you know we’re big believers in podcasts. In an increasingly digital world, podcasts are an important way for law firms to share their knowledge and thought leadership, while promoting their brand. Unfortunately, having a well-developed and quality podcast won’t do you much good if you don’t promote it. If you’ve never promoted a podcast before, you probably don’t know where to start. Here are 10 tactics to try to improve your law firm’s podcast promotion performance. 

Remember that iTunes is responsible for up to 70% of podcast listens. One article even says “There’s basically Apple and then everybody else.” It’s important to focus a bulk of your efforts on this channel, because if you don’t perform well on iTunes, you’ll miss out on a lot of listeners.

1. Make it easy for guests to share.

Create video/ audio snippets or images with written quotes that guests of your podcast can easily reshare to their audience on social media. Just be sure to tag them in the social media post so they’re notified and can easily reshare with the click of a button. Encourage them to promote their episode and send an email reminder with images and media to make it easy to do so.

2. Promote your law firm’s podcast on social media – in every way.

First, share on social when the episode goes live, and then keep promoting. Put your podcast on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. with the url. Create images and quotes using tools like Canva for standalone social posts. Create soundbyte clips and share those as well. Don’t forget to reshare episodes and tease the upcoming ones. 

3. Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.

This is advice we’ve given before when it comes to podcasts, but it’s important to remember. If people like your first episode, they’ll be looking for more, and not having more can lead to bad reviews. The minimum to have is 3 but more is even better. 

4. Create a YouTube video from the audio.

YouTube provides video to share on social media as well as closed captioning and transcripts, which provide search engine optimization (SEO) benefits. That means having a YouTube version will help your content to be found in the first place. 

5. Use Podcatchers and aggregators.

These are simply apps that play podcasts. There are several to try besides the main one provided by the iOS. Overcast or Stitcher are examples. You can submit your podcast to several and see if you get any traction. 

6. Transcribe the audio using a service.

There are plenty of tools to transcribe your sound files. You don’t have to do it manually. Depending on how long your episodes are, sifting through and cleaning up the text generated from your sound files can take awhile, but doing so can be the catalyst to help your podcast rank higher in Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

7. Create a webpage for your law firm’s podcast.

This is a hugely helpful way to promote your law firm’s podcast! You’ll want to create a webpage for your podcast on your firm’s current website. We recommend including show notes for each episode. This will make it easy for your audience to find and listen to each episode right from your website. As is true about your firm’s main website, you’ll want to have a strong design for it and make sure its search engine optimized. This will ensure that more people will find and view the webpage.

8. Host a two-week ratings party.

One of the most important factors that drives ratings with iTunes is how fast you collect downloads in the first two weeks. Remember that you have eight weeks from when your podcast launches to get onto the ‘New and Noteworthy’ section on iTunes, and the first two weeks of these are especially crucial. Throw a “virtual party” on launch day and run paid social campaigns, host on Facebook Live, host a LinkedIn Live and have firm leadership post and tweet about it. 

9. Mention people in your podcast and they might mention you back.

If you mention another organization or firm in your podcast, send it to them and let them know you featured them and why. They might be inclined to do the same in their promotions. Or, if you know of another company or individual that is a good match with your firm’s services, promote them on your podcast and ask them to do the same. 

10. Be a guest on other podcasts to promote your own law firm podcast.

It can be difficult to book guests regularly for your podcasts. Make people’s jobs easier by pitching yourself as a speaker on their schedule. You can even find a list of podcasts in your niche by visiting the iTunes, Spotify, or Pandora listings page.

Related: Tips for Law Firms Thinking About Launching a Podcast


Podcasts are becoming an integral part of the marketing puzzle for law firms. Promoting your podcast is key to its success. Use these 10 strategies to generate a following for your law firm’s podcast.

If you need more advanced tips on getting started with your firm’s podcast, contact us and we can help you with your law firm’s podcast production and promotion.



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