law firm content marketing

How Law Firms Can Leverage New Google Ads Combined Audiences

by Talia Schwartz • December 19th, 2019 • Search Engine Marketing | Blog

law firm google adsHave you heard about Google’s latest targeting elements that are now available in the Google Ads platform? Google has quietly rolled out a new combined audience function within their Google Ads platform, which can have a significant and positive impact on your law firms’ Google Ads campaigns. With this new option, legal marketers can fine-tune their campaigns to target more comprehensive audiences. Here’s what you need to know, and how you can take advantage of Google’s new combined audience targeting to increase conversion rates on your law firms’ Google Ads.

What is combined audience targeting?

Combined audience targeting is a method that enables marketers to layer different combinations of affinity, demographic, and remarketing audiences using variations of “OR”, “AND”, and “NOT” logic.

Previously, legal marketers could leverage “OR” and “NOT” to target multiple audiences – but never “AND”. In our opinion, that last group option is the game-changer.

Now, marketers can target users who meet two or more specific criteria.

How can my law firm make the most of combined audience targeting?

This advanced targeting update enables legal marketers to display ads to audiences who meet certain criteria AND search specific keywords on Google. You can show ads to people who have done two things, and then not done a third, for example. There really are many versatile ways you can set up targeting with these new parameters. Provided below are some real-world examples.

Your law firm might display an ad with messaging surrounding its family law services. You are now able to specifically target people with Google Ads who have visited your website, AND downloaded a case study, but have NOT filled out the contact form.

Another firm might set up ads for people who have used search terms such as “patent infringement” AND visited a patent practice area page on their website.

Using “AND” logic really provides the ability to target based on multiple sets of criteria, which almost guarantees that viewers will be more receptive and more likely to engage or convert on your advertisement.

How to get started with Google Ads combined audiences

To leverage this new system, open a campaign and go to the “Audiences” tab. 

Click on the blue pencil that enables you to create a new audience. From the audience box, select “browse”. If combined audiences is an option for your campaign, you will see it listed as the fifth (and last) option on the list. 

Once you select “combined audiences”, you’ll be able to build your target audience with various criteria. 

Due to privacy concerns, your combined audiences must have at least 1,000 members. Google will pause your campaign if it does not meet that threshold automatically.


There are so many innovative ways in which legal marketers can take advantage of Google’s new combined audience targeting. The exciting new capability within the Google Ads platform can be leveraged to message your audiences more thoughtfully and strategically. 

Contact us today if you need help driving more prospects to your website, blog, or microsite from Google. Our team has many years of experience creating strategies and managing law firms’ paid Google Ads campaigns.



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