How Law Firms Can Build Trust with Authentic Content During These Uncertain Times
Authenticity is one of the most basic tenets of law firm marketing, especially now in these uncertain times. The firm needs to be careful to not come off as opportunistic or insensitive. If all people see on your firm’s social media are awards, they’ll understand the expertise of the firm but may not necessarily see how that translates to helping them. In order to ensure some measure of business continuity, law firms need to focus on creating authentic, altruistic messaging and content. Doing so will build trust in your law firm through these uncertain times and beyond.
What does creating authentic, altruistic and helpful law firm content look like? We’ve compiled some tips.
1. Stick to your law firm’s strategy.
It’s important to be flexible and take the current landscape into account. However, this scenario is unlikely to change for a long time, and even when it does, there will be a new normal. You still need to conduct business in the meantime. If you had plans to open a new office or branch out into new practice areas, consider how you can move forward consciously. Trying to appear as though you’re revamping your entire strategy based on these circumstances will come off as disingenuous.
2. Focus on connection and look to replicate the dynamic of personal interactions.
Thanks to technology, distancing doesn’t need to equate to isolation. People are likely to be yearning for social connection in a major way and there’s still a need for people to network and grow. Create webinars, live-streaming events, or online networking opportunities that people can enjoy from their own respective spaces. See: How To Create A Successful Virtual Event For Your Law Firm.
3. Demonstrate transparency.
Honesty and integrity are always key for a law firm, but especially now. Be honest about how you’re working during the crisis. If you ever use client data, make that clear somewhere. You don’t want to overshare, but remember that most people would prefer over-communication versus the alternative.
4. Use social proof on your website.
The truth is that what other people do almost always influences our perception. Social proof is one of the most impactful tools a marketer can have. Highlighting testimonials, case studies, client reviews, and personal recommendations are all powerful.
5. Take social responsibility seriously.
It’s important for firms to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that have a lasting impact on today’s social and economic challenges. Millennials in particular care about a socially responsible culture. Create programs or campaigns that demonstrate giving back if you want to be considered by this large segment of the population.
6. Display openness and humanity.
This is a great time to share real and honest stories and information across all of your law firm’s channels. Everyone has been affected by the virus or subsequent closures and programs. Now is a great time to prove that we really are “all in this together.”
7. Personalize, and be personable.
Studies show that personalization is key for many marketers, with as many as 73% of global marketers citing personalized client experiences as essential to success. It’s important to not only personalize marketing interactions, but to come across as real live people doing the reaching out. Strong marketing is people to people, and clients are getting savvier about this.
8. Keep your audience informed.
Leaders in the industry will keep their audience informed of adjustments, adaptations, federal and state programs in response to Coronavirus. Tweak your content strategy to provide the most helpful and informative content for your readers. See: Tips on Adjusting Your Law Firm’s Content Marketing Strategy During COVID-19.
Don’t think of authenticity as a buzzword. Being authentic is more than trendy – it’s essential, especially right now. Your audience and potential clients will place more trust in you if you apply some proactive principles to your online presence and content creation. Remember to focus on people to people connection, while providing insightful information and opportunities for engagement.
For more information or help with your content, contact us today. We have a team of writers and editors that specialize in creating high-impact legal and business content.
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