5 Inspiring Law Firm LinkedIn Pages
LinkedIn continues to be a popular networking tool for Big Law firms – the platform is useful for marketing and brand development as well as providing educational information to a firm’s followers. Several AmLaw 200 firms have engaging and informative LinkedIn pages, but some are not utilizing the platform to its full potential in order to position themselves as thought leaders in the industry. We highlight below five noteworthy law firm LinkedIn pages that may inspire your firm to think creatively about its own strategy on the platform.
White & Case
We recently discussed the White & Case’s LinkedIn presence when it earned the #1 LinkedIn ranking in the 2018 Social Law Firm Index. The firm currently has 73,840 followers on LinkedIn that it reaches with engaging content and multimedia. The firm posts videos of informative content such as partners discussing a particular legal issue as well as promotional content of its attorneys supporting the firm’s Global Women’s Initiative. White & Case also uses animation to get higher visibility when they’re announcing news such as awards or important milestones. The firm uses engaging graphics as well, often accompanying posts with a simple statistic related to the post in a clear and concise way.
Baker McKenzie
With 162,988 followers, Baker McKenzie has the highest number of LinkedIn followers out of the firms surveyed in the Social Law Firm Index. It’s therefore worth taking note of the firm’s LinkedIn strategy and how it might have contributed to its impressive number of followers. The firm’s large global reach might be a factor – Baker McKenzie has 15 affiliated LinkedIn pages, the majority of which are for its regional practices.
In terms of content, Baker McKenzie posts at least twice a day with a balanced amount of non-promotional content. The firm uses consistency in its posts, often accompanying posts with an image featuring a pull out quote by a partner or practice group chair. These posts link to attorneys’ personal pages when applicable, which likely helps to expand the firm’s network.
DLA Piper
DLA Piper has the second highest number of followers of the firms in the Social Law Firm Index, with 114,379 followers. The firm has 13 affiliated pages, a mix of regional and practice group, that likely contribute to its high number of followers.
The firm excels at posting a variety of content. While some of the content is promotional, it still serves to engage viewers, such as photos from a recent trip with the firm’s pro bono team. Content that is informational in nature is often posted along with a description pointing to “key takeaways” the post will feature, which distinguishes it as non-promotional content and is a good way to attract viewers. The firm also reposts some content, especially big firm projects such as the Global Real Estate Annual State of the Market Survey and Compliance and Risk Report, but with varied featured statistics to keep the content engaging.
Morgan Lewis
The firm has an active LinkedIn page, posting about three times per day with a high proportion of non-promotional content. The firm successfully utilizes hashtags on LinkedIn, which not all law firms do well or are even familiar with. The majority of the firm’s LinkedIn posts feature at least one hashtag related to the topic or agency discussed such as #TaxReform and #SEC.
Particularly notable and unique to Morgan Lewis is the firm’s own hashtag, #wearemorganlewis. The hashtag is used more frequently by the firm’s lawyers and other staff when posting on their personal pages, but it is a good example of how hashtags on LinkedIn specifically can help to build a community.
Jones Day
The firm has been increasing its frequency of posts and improved its presence on LinkedIn in the past year, moving from #40 to the top 10 in our annual ranking. The firm posts a high percentage of non-promotional content in order to educate and engage its audience.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the firm’s LinkedIn strategy is its video series. Jones Day produces informational videos in multi-part series that it promotes on LinkedIn, such as a four-part series on dealing with the IRS and eight “Jones Day Presents: Blockchain” videos. Video content is integral today for any social media strategy, but video series especially are a great way to keep viewers engaged in your content and returning to your page.
LinkedIn is the leading professional social networking tool today, and as a law firm in the digital age it is essential to have a well-established LinkedIn presence. In addition to the notable strategies these five firms use, they all utilize engaging multimedia content, post frequently, and generally get the most out of the platform. Use these firms as examples for how to increase your own LinkedIn presence, or reach out to us for help developing a strategy.
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