law firm marketing

10 Things to Consider for your Law Firm’s Website Redesign

by Noreen Fishman • November 5th, 2020 • Digital Marketing | Blog

Law Firm’s Website RedesignYour website provides your law firm’s first impression. For many law firms, it’s the biggest marketing tool they have. That means that redesigning your website can contribute directly to your bottom line. That being said, a website redesign is a serious project that requires resource commitments across people and budgets. Here are 10 considerations that can provide a framework for your law firm’s successful website redesign. 

1. Ease of navigation

If a website is confusing and difficult to navigate, prospective clients may leave and never return. To increase the efficiency and appeal of your site’s navigation, conduct an in-depth site review as if you are a new visitor. Note the navigation flows that make sense and those that do not. Furthermore, streamlining navigation by eliminating unnecessary or underperforming pages may decrease load time while improving the quality of your firm’s online presence.

2. Keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind

You want to ensure it is easy for prospective clients to access your law firm’s website through Google. If you’re working with a web design company, they should be familiar with all of Google’s updates and algorithms and keep them in mind as they work. Two main elements that require attention as you build pages are keywords and on-page optimization. Find search terms that align with the interests of your audience, and make sure they are naturally dispersed throughout the copy.

3. Original and high quality content

When redesigning your law firm’s website, it is important to include high quality, original content that is relevant to your law firm and practice areas. Everything from the quality of your content to the keywords used affects your site’s ranking and visibility on Google. Each page on your website should have no less than 150 words and should include links to credible resources and other pages on your website.

4. Consider an on-site blog

A blog will help you generate more website traffic and provide you with more opportunities to rank high on search engines. Furthermore, blog posts are a favorite thing to share on social media – which means more exposure for you. If you don’t have the time and resources to blog consistently about timely and relevant topics in your industry, the Legal Writers Bureau can help.

5. Consider adding video

Visual data is often preferred and processed faster than text, and statistics show that web pages and online materials with videos are more likely to attract and retain viewers. When you redesign your site, think about where it might make sense to include this media. Many firms include an “About Us” video on the home page or other section of their website. Videos don’t need to be professionally produced, but they do need to be good quality – using a script, engaging visuals, etc. Video is a great way to not only gain attention, but share a little of your firm’s personality. See: 10 Video Marketing Examples from Lawyers Doing it Right.

6. Include calls-to-action on every page

Nothing stifles the functionality of a website like forgetting to incorporate a call-to-action (CTA) on every page. A CTA is a statement or question that motivates your website visitors to complete a desired action. For example, including the statement, “Follow us on LinkedIn for more exclusive cybersecurity law tips” at the end of a blog post inspires readers to take action by following your law firm on social media.

7. Mobile compatibility should be a top priority

In 2020, no law firm should be investing in a website that isn’t being built for mobile-first. With 51% of global web traffic originating from mobile phones, skipping on responsiveness will hinder the success of your site. 

8. Install Google Analytics tracking code on your website

Website analytics tools like Google Analytics provide you with the actual reports and analytics on how your site visitors behave once on your website; who they are by their age, gender, location, etc.; how they landed on your site; the most popular content on your site; your total conversions; and so on. With this information in hand, you can plan fully informed optimization decisions for better engagement.

9. Integration with social media

Integration with social media is a requirement in today’s modern world. Social media provides a venue in which website visitors can promote your content and follow you to stay in-the-know about your law firm’s latest news and blog posts. Make sure social media “share” buttons are placed on each of your blog posts and “follow” buttons are placed strategically on your website – typically they’re found in the header or footer.

10. Incorporate case studies

Similar to client testimonials, case studies can be used to promote your law firm. By featuring case studies on your site, you demonstrate your law firm’s expertise, services, and commitment to clients. By showcasing exemplary work and proven value, case studies provide your firm with more opportunity to set itself apart from the competition. See: 10 Tips for Writing Impactful Law Firm Case Studies.


A website redesign is a big initiative that requires planning and strategy. If you don’t take the proper steps before launching a newly redesigned site, you risk wasting your time and resources. If you’re going to redesign your law firm’s website, then it’s a great time to look at these 10 elements and make sure everything is set up to enable your site’s success.

Do you need an experienced team to help you redesign your website or create one from scratch? We create modern, professional, and beautiful websites that get results for our clients. Contact us today for a quote.


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