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Twitter Marketing Tips and Best Practices for Lawyers

by Noreen Fishman • January 30th, 2020 • Social Media | Blog

law firm twitterSince Twitter leverages such short snippets of copy, it’s often viewed as the simplest social media platform. However, that’s certainly not the case and not properly understanding the channel or building out a strategy can lead to time-wasting efforts. Ensure your team is sufficiently informed on Twitter marketing tips and best practices so that your law firm can get the most impact from their efforts. 

Here are 5 best practices to optimize your law firm’s Twitter:

1. Know how to search and add Twitter followers that provide value

There is not a quick and easy way to build a large following on Twitter. Hoping for one leads some firms to buy followers which is a mistake. Though your aim is to build a bigger presence, having a truly engaged audience is more important. The first thing to do is add every industry leader in your space. Then, use a tool like BuzzSumo to find more renowned people in your niche. There are other tools you can use to help you connect with influencers as well.  Perform searches on Twitter using hashtags and brand names to add clients or people talking about issues that affect the legal industry. If you follow these steps, eventually you will build a group of followers that is actually engaged in your space.


2. Be visible on Twitter

Like with most digital channels, you need to optimize your law firm’s Twitter presence in order to be found. Fortunately, this isn’t a huge undertaking, but a matter of a few simple steps:

    • Keep your handle simple – concise, true to your brand, and easy to remember.
    • Optimize your bio with industry-related hashtags and links where you can be found.
    • Make informed decisions about hashtags so that people can find you.
    • Leverage tools like Twitter Search Operators and Pinned Tweets.

3. Stay engaged

Clients today want a more personal experience with their firm and expect to be able to reach them in a variety of ways – quite simply, they crave engagement. The easiest way to stay engaged is to constantly be ready to engage. First and foremost, pay attention to Twitter every day. We recommend building real relationships with clients and prospects by keeping posts 80% informational/conversational, and 20% promotional. Some ways to boost your engagement are: introduce and welcome new followers; ask real questions that will drive a dialogue; share information on industry events and remain active if you’re at one; stay on top of trending events; and tweet 3 different people each day. 

4. Create goals for Twitter

Ideally you have marketing goals created for every social media platform your law firm is active on. In order to see real results, make sure your goals are tied to overall firm objectives. If you’re just starting out, try to focus on achievable goals that are simple to measure. Some examples for firms in the entry-level stage of Twitter marketing could be to obtain 100 high value followers, or to post 3 times a day for an entire month. 

5. Develop – and maintain – a schedule

The easiest way to keep engagement consistent is to create a schedule and stick to it. Use a social media calendar to create tweets on a daily basis. This is also a good way to manage how many people you’re tweeting at once so you don’t get overwhelmed. Again, this is an area where a third-party tool can prove very helpful. 

If you’re looking for more inspiration to maximize your law firm’s presence on Twitter, check out our recent blog: Essential Tips from the Top 5 Law Firms on Twitter.


Once you’ve completed all these steps, you might want to document them in a checklist. This can help any new or future members of your team to follow the best practices that brought you success. These law firm Twitter marketing tips and best practices should help your legal marketers get started, but bandwidth is always an issue. If you need more support in making your Twitter goals a reality, let us know.

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