Tag: social customer service

Who is Responsible for Social in Your Law Firm?

Who owns social in your law firm? If your firm is like most, social is probably owned by the marketing department. Other law firms may assign the responsibility for social to the IT department or Corporate Communications. However, if one looks at social in a truly holistic way, the responsibility for social media should be shared […]

Five Tips to Consider When Hiring for Social Media

I recently had a conversation with an old acquaintance from law school who is now a practicing lawyer at a successful law firm – that shall remain nameless for anonymity. Once we caught up and she learned I had changed professions from practicing law to digital marketing consultant for lawyers and law firms she eagerly told […]

Using Social Media to Enhance Your Law Firm’s Client Service

With the advent of social media, client dissatisfaction can be communicated in a much more expedited and public way than in the past. A client can simply go to one of many review sites like Yelp or Google and publish a negative review for the world to read. Unhappy clients can also let their Twitter […]

The Three Levels of a Social Business

There have been many attempts over the last year to define what a social business is. IBM, Salesforce.com and many other enterprise software companies are spending a significant amount of money on advertising and marketing, trying to educate business owners of the benefits and values a social business offers. Yet for all their efforts, I […]

Social Business – How Social Impacts Customer Service

I recently attended an exclusive event in NYC where  Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of Salesforce.com introduced the concept of “How to Become a Customer Company.” It is the new vision for Salesforce.com that Benioff is trying to sell and it focuses on “the customer” as the key mission for every company. The customer revolution will […]