Podcast Episode 190: After the Buzzer Goes Beyond the Scores!
In this episode of the Legal Marketing 2.0 Podcast, Guy is joined by Bob Wallace. Bob Wallace is a 40-year veteran practitioner of sports law, 30 of those representing three NFL teams. He currently chairs the sports law group of Thompson Coburn LLP. Thompson Coburn has offices in St. Louis, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC.
1. The Reasoning Behind Starting After the Buzzer Podcast
Sports talk show radios often give a superficial view of contract negotiations, sports businesses, and why people make decisions. This is why Bob Wallace wanted to bring in an intelligent discussion of sports issues to the forefront, as these radio shows often give a superficial view.
2. The Process Behind Creating After the Buzzer
The firm does all the technical work behind After the Buzzer, including recording, editing, and broadcasting it. Bob has been in the business for 40 years and is a member of the Sports Lawyers Association, which is why he has been able to recruit a variety of individuals, who include but are not limited to, David Cornwell, Lee Steinberg, and Herman Fraser.
3. How To Decide What Topics And/Or Guests Want To Talk About
Due to the fact that most guests come from a specific industry, the topic focuses on their area of work, their experiences, and the issues that affect their business. The topics are mostly related to what they’re doing, what the issues are keeping them awake at night, or the type of work they do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
4. Preparation To Get Ready For The Podcast
A lot of time is spent keeping up with the sports world due to Bob’s position as a sports lawyer. Before booking a guest, reading about their work and issues is very important to ensure that when the time comes, no one is fumbling around for questions. Another crucial part of preparation is to try to make it more than just a question and answer, but a discussion. Lastly, bringing experiences in, pushing back on some things, or agreeing with guests makes the conversation flow easier.
Make the content you are sharing interesting and something you could not learn from everyday media.
You can find Bob Wallace on Linkedin & Twitter and his law firm’s Website.
You can find the After the Buzzer Podcast here.
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