law firm marketing

4 Ways for Lawyers to Grow their Digital Influence

by Stephanie Hannou • February 10th, 2016 • Digital Marketing | Blog

lawyers grow digital influenceGone are the days that lawyers solely relied on referrals and billboard ads to be successful in business development. Today’s lawyer must also rely and develop their digital influence. Digital Influence adds value to your personal brand and your firm and if done correctly will help position you as an authority and leader in your area of practice. Here are a few ways lawyers grow digital influence.

  1. Host a Webinar: Hosting a webinar is a great way to develop authority and trust in your practice. The excellent thing about webinars is that the sign-up forms for your webinar allow you to collect lead information – from email addresses to job titles. This will aid in helping you to understand your audience and specifically tailor your information, case study or education to serve them all the while creating a perfect sales lead in the process. Another great thing about webinars is that it can be recorded and repurposed for your website and social media. This allows your audience to relive this content and gives them a chance to truly understand your practice.
  1. Start or Join a Conversation: Almost all social media platforms gives you the ability to start or join a conversation. However, for the purposes of this article we will focus on Twitter and LinkedIn Groups. Adopting an authentic and consistent style when using LinkedIn groups is critical. Commenting on relevant content and also sharing your own will add value to your brand or firm. Twitter allows users to do the same functions as LinkedIn but real-time engagement and direct access to partners, businesses, publications etc. among other advantages is what truly sets Twitter apart.

  1. Write and Share Relevant Content: Writing relevant and timely content is crucial for positioning yourself as a thought leader. The web has made it easy and accessible to publish content at any time. The number one way to grow your digital footprint is by publishing content consistently. A properly constructed content marketing strategy will enable you to give your audience new content each time they visit your site and 2. This will also give prospective clients, referrals and partners a chance to understand your value and determine why they should work with you.
  1. Share Relevant Content From Others: Sharing relevant content from creditable sources to your online audience can be a great way to start a relationship. The added value of sharing relevant content is the ability to personalize it by adding a question.  Be sure to always include the Twitter or LinkedIn handle of the author and source.

Understand that all of these tactics work together to help lawyers grow digital influence which should be a part of your overall digital marketing strategy.

lawyers grow digital influence




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