law firm content marketing

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s LinkedIn Visibility

by Guy Alvarez • May 24th, 2019 • Social Media | Blog

law firm's linkedinLaw firms have several online tools that can help them market and acquire new business. One of the most important is LinkedIn. Not only does it help develop brand awareness for your firm, but it can connect you to clients, prospects, and key business relationships. When used properly, LinkedIn can do a lot for your law firm. The catch? People have to find you there first.

LinkedIn recently released a series of tips on how to leverage SEO to increase your page’s visibility. Our experts have gone through the information presented to offer you a few practical tips.

Complete and Update your Page

LinkedIn states that companies who fill out their page completely get 30% more weekly views. That means you should complete every section, and of course include your website. Once you are confident your page is complete, it’s time to update it. Pages that are updated regularly and link to new content frequently show viewers that you are engaged. Posting frequently sends the same message to search engines – that you are actively engaged – and they will prioritize your content.

Incorporate Keywords

The great thing about completing your page completely is that there are so many spaces to include keywords. You’ve probably completed keyword research as part of your overall digital marketing strategy. If you haven’t, there are plenty of free tools in the Google Analytics suite that you can leverage. Once you have your list of keywords, be sure to include them in your various page content, beginning with the tagline and “about” section.

From there, run through the rest of your information and be sure that your selected keywords are included periodically. LinkedIn recommends this structure when building company pages, so there is plenty of real estate for search engine optimization.

  • Vision: What future do we want to help create?
  • Mission: How do we create that future?
  • Values: Who are we? How do we work?
  • Positioning: What makes our brand different?
  • Tagline: Our brand summed up in one line.
  • Products and Services: Here’s what we provide.

These are the best ways to optimize LinkedIn through search. There are other ways to enhance your LinkedIn page overall. Check out our past post for some of those ideas, including:

  1. Engage your employees.
  2. Add a “follow” button on your website or email signature.
  3. Take part in LinkedIn groups.


LinkedIn can be a powerful tool that makes an impact in your marketing mix if you take the right steps. If you’re not sure what those steps are, or don’t have the bandwidth to add LinkedIn efforts right now, let us know! We are happy to help.

law firm's linkedin


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