How Your Law Firm Can Keep Up with Digital Trends
Digital marketing has become an integral part of the marketing and business development efforts of law firms. A September 2018 survey we conducted with the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) found that more than half of firms surveyed ranked the importance of digital marketing as a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, a trend that is likely to continue throughout 2019 and beyond. However, as technology is constantly developing, the digital marketing tools and initiatives available to your law firm will increase as well. Here are a few tactics your law firm can use to stay on top of digital trends.
Allocate Adequate Resources
Before getting into specific strategies for being alert to digital trends, your firm needs to ensure it has ample resources to do so. This includes a sufficient budget dedicated to digital efforts and a specified marketing staff that is properly trained in digital strategies. Respondents in the 2018 Law Firm Digital Marketing Survey indicated that a lack of resources devoted to digital marketing was a major challenge they faced when trying to enhance their online presence. Investing in digital marketing technology, services, and employees will give your firm the digital marketing results you’re looking for.
Be in the Know
A simple way your firm can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to digital trends is by doing some research. There are many blogs, podcasts, and guides available that discuss the latest developments in digital marketing strategies, technologies, and services. Be proactive by signing up for email newsletters, allowing posts and updates on digital trends to come directly to your inbox. Your firm can also look to industry leaders, publications, and conferences to hear about up and coming digital initiatives and how they may be useful to your firm.
Consider the Competition
Being up to date on trends means being aware of what others in your industry are doing. In order to stay competitive in the legal industry in today’s digital age, your firm should look to its competitors – specifically those who have had success with digital marketing. The 2018 Law Firm Digital Marketing Survey lists eight firms that respondents believed did a good job in digital marketing last year, such as DLA Piper, White & Case, and Latham & Watkins. Modeling your firm’s digital marketing campaigns off of firms such as these will allow you firm to stay tuned in to best practices and new developments in digital marketing.
Hire Experts
While many law firms are successful in their digital marketing efforts, there are still many challenges in the way for some firms trying to grow their brand online and keep up with digital marketing initiatives. Hiring a digital marketing agency that is up to date on trends in the industry can ease the burden on your firm by pointing you to new services and strategies as they become available. There are several important factors to consider when choosing a digital agency to work with, but there are many reputable agencies out there that can help your firm become a leader in digital marketing.
As we progress further into the digital age, traditional publishing and advertising techniques can no longer be the main marketing tactic your firm relies on. In order to stay relevant in the industry and see substantial growth in business, your firm needs an effective online presence that evolves with changing digital trends. If you need help implementing these suggestions or want more tips, contact us for a consultation!
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