law firm content marketing

Generating Opportunities with Law Firm Content Marketing

by Kierstin Vermeulen • September 13th, 2016 • Content Marketing | Blog

Law Firm Content MarketingLaw Firm Content Marketing for Business Development and Lead Generation

Reading the title of this blog, you’re probably thinking, “How can content marketing help my law firm?” Content marketing has proven to be a successful marketing tool for various businesses throughout the past two centuries. One stellar example of impactful and enduring content marketing is John Deere’s The Furrow magazine, still going strong 120 years following its first publication in 1895. Law firm content marketing can come in many shapes and forms but always has the same goal – educating and changing the way a consumer thinks.

Unlike advertising, which is driven primarily at embedding a brand in a consumer’s mind and influencing a purchase decision, content marketing is focuses on delivering meaningful and instructional materials designed to inform readers on topics and issues of interest. A well-executed content marketing campaign is about establishing and reinforcing the leadership, reliability and expertise of the firm publishing the content.

What opportunities can law firm content marketing offer? Content marketing spotlights your firm as a trusted source for information. By producing frequent, reliable, and thoughtful content you are demonstrating sustained leadership and competence online. Routine publishing of new content improves search engine rankings, which in turn enhances your firm’s discoverability by potential clients. And it can make you a valuable source for the media as well, which can lead to additional exposure via third-party publications. This puts you even further towards the top of the search engines’ lists and in full view of clients. 

Law Firm content marketing can increase your social media following. By producing content and promoting it on your social media feeds, not only are you getting free marketing, but you are also making your content available to audiences who normally wouldn’t find it. Social media makes your content “shareable” – meaning your current followers can easily share your content with additional prospects you hadn’t yet reached. More sharing can mean more traffic to your website, which then leads to more clients learning about your firm’s services.

Used effectively, content marketing is an important business development tool that can help your firm generate leads. You’re probably wondering how to take advantage of content marketing opportunities. Remember this guiding principle: Not all content is created equal, and it is important to know what types are most likely to drive interest. Conversely, you should know what types of content might be off-putting to your customers. For example, your firm can post blog items that highlight its accomplishments, or profile lawyers and discuss what they specialize in. But self-promotional posts rarely provide sufficient informative or educational content for most readers and may not draw the same traffic as authored pieces explaining new legislation or connecting current events to your practice area.

In a client’s journey from awareness to interest and consideration of a law firm, content marketing can be invaluable to a prospect’s decision-making process. To find out more about how to use content marketing to your law firm’s advantage, ask our experts about a free content marketing audit to see where you stand today. Contact us at Good2bSocial for a no cost assessment of your current social footprint and ideas for improvement.

law firm content marketing





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