law firm marketing

How Law Firms Can Use Interactive Content to Increase Engagement

by Good2bSocial • November 2nd, 2018 • Content Marketing | Blog

interactive contentThe National Law Review recently published an article stating that 96% of consumers have turned to the internet for legal advice. With that kind of staggering statistic, it’s no wonder we’re encouraging legal firms and vendors who support them to focus more of their marketing efforts on a content strategy. If you’ve been following this blog, you’ve probably already given a lot of thought to your online presence, website, and demand generation. The next wave of content that can move the needle for you is Interactive Content.

Interactive content includes things like calculators (such as those retirement calculators you probably check once in a while), quizzes, infographics, interactive maps, and data visualizations. These types of content work well for three main purposes:

  1. To create demand
  2. To showcase expertise and knowledge
  3. To generate attention-getting content for LinkedIn

Ready to get interactive? Here’s what you need to know.

Create Demand

Interactive content focusing on this objective needs to demonstrate the need that makes your services valuable (rather than simply advertise the service). For example, a law firm that focuses on DUI cases might create an online BAC calculator. This can be created on the website, with various fields to plug in and generate a response. A way to advertise the calculator might be “Use our simple BAC calculator to quickly test your blood alcohol level and understand when safety is compromised.”

People appreciate using their own personal information and feeling like a particular experience applies to them. Other ways you might use content to create demand include interactive maps for immigration law or online assessments for custody cases. Think about the most common scenarios you get asked about, and try to find simple ways of providing personalized information on your website to draw visitors in.

Showcase Expertise

Content is king when it comes to setting yourself apart from other lawyers or legal vendors. Everyone is blogging – what else can you do? Consider a quiz, assessment, or form field that results in answers or sharing research. You want to demonstrate that you are the expert in this area, and one way to do that is to test your reader’s knowledge, and then share some in exchange. You can also share infographics that you’ve developed, or data visualizations that position information you’ve gathered in a unique way that’s easy to read and digest. We’ve talked before out developing your own research, and you can take those results and share them to show thought leadership.

Generate Attention on LinkedIn

More than half of lawyers use LinkedIn daily. That means it’s a great tool for your business, but one with a lot of noise. You need to remain active on LinkedIn, but it’s important to stand out so you don’t get lost. Interactive content will help you do that.

Take a look at this great interactive map that Just Park created to let people know what is legal in all 50 states.

interactive content

This information is really useful to readers! What’s even better is that it’s all easily found online – this company just took the time to put it into a format that is easily viewed and shared, creating more followers for their company. Creating items that will be shared adds followers, connections – and hopefully a few prospects!


Interactive content is the next wave in content marketing. If you need help creating items that will make you stand out, reach out to us. Our professionals have the skills and latest tools to create content that gets attention and results.

interactive content


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