H2H Marketing – Why Lawyers Need to Be Humans Too
We came across a very interesting article recently about changes in the world of marketing. In a blog post on Social Media Today, Bryan Kramer makes a case for the obliteration of the distinction between business-to-business (B2B) and business-to- consumer (B2C) marketing. Instead, Kramer argues, today it is all about human-to- human or H2H marketing.
This strikes us as an important observation – it is the natural culmination of trends in digital marketing over the last decade, as both consumer and business marketing have become more focused on building a relationship between a company and its customers. The advent of social media is simply accelerating these trends by providing a powerful platform and incredible new tools to drive audience engagement.
What does this mean for a practicing lawyer? We know that many of our lawyer-friends still have an old-school view about marketing – they leave all such concerns to the marketing department. Instead, our lawyer-friends would rather focus 110% of their efforts on doing legal work, in the belief that excellent quality of work speaks for itself. Unfortunately, in today’s hyper-competitive world the professional’s disdain for marketing no longer works. The key to success in the realm of H2H marketing is engagement and engagement works 2 ways. A law firm needs to learn how to engage with its clients. In order to do so, the professional staff (and not just the professional marketing staff) needs to be fully engaged.
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