How To Use Google Analytics To Measure The Impact Of Your Law Firm Website
Google Analytics for Law Firms
If you want to know what kind of impact your website and marketing efforts have made, you need to know which statistics to look at. Google Analytics allows you to track and analyze every last detail of your law firm’s website and traffic. In fact, Google Analytics gives you so many options, and so much detail, that it can seem overwhelming and confusing.
Depending on what you are trying to measure, some of the numbers that Google Analytics provides will be relevant, while others will just get in the way.
Below are five specific areas you can look at to determine the impact your law firm’s website is having and how well your marketing and advertising efforts are performing.
Traffic To Landing Pages
Setting up specific landing pages for specific marketing campaigns is an important part of online marketing. The target audience for each of your campaigns should be sent to a page tailored just for them.
Since all traffic coming into landing pages should be coming from advertisements, the amount of traffic they receive is a good indicator of how well your current ads are doing. By comparing traffic to your landing pages between campaigns and over time, you can see which advertising methods are producing the best results.
For example, if the landing page for campaign A is getting more traffic than the page for campaign B, you should be thinking about what is making campaign A work so much better and how that can be applied to campaign B.
You’ll find statistics on landing pages under “Acquisition,” then “Search Console.”
Traffic Sources
Listed in Google Analytics as “Source/Medium” under “All Traffic,” “Source/Medium” gives you an overview of where traffic to your law firm’s website is coming from. These numbers will let you see which domains are sending the most traffic without getting into the details of individual URLs. For example, if you’ve got ads running on Facebook, Facebook should be high on the list of traffic sources.
By monitoring this section of Google Analytics regularly, you’ll also be able to discover new sources of traffic that you may have been unaware of. For example, if your law practice gets mentioned on a popular forum or similar site, you’ll see that domain rising in the list. You should take note and see if there’s a way to work that site into future marketing efforts.
Also found under the “All Traffic” section, referrals are similar to the traffic source, but will allow you to get more detail about where traffic is coming from. Here, you’ll be able to see the individual URLs (pages) that sent traffic to your site.
The information in this section can help you further break down details from sources where you have ads running. It can also help you find individual mentions of your law practice on smaller sites. For example, if you find that your firm has been mentioned in an article on a somewhat popular site, it could be worth contacting the site owner(s) to see if there is a way to partner with them for more content or use that article to your advantage.
It takes a bit more effort to set everything up, but by taking advantage of Google Analytics’ conversion tracking you can ascertain the value of traffic from specific sources. This will allow you to calculate the return on investment (ROI) on specific campaigns and advertising networks, as well as give you an idea of which sources deliver the most valuable traffic.
Popular Pages
If you click on “Behavior” and then “Site Content,” you’ll see a section labeled “Content Drilldown.” This section will show you the most popular content on your site. This information in invaluable for fine-tuning your content to provide the most helpful, resonant information, and produce the best traffic results.
Once you know which pages are attracting the most visitors, you can make adjustments to those pages to help your firm provide more useful content, generate more leads, and recruit more clients.
By monitoring these areas of your statistics regularly, you should be able to form a clear picture of where your website traffic is coming from, how much that traffic is really worth, and what your law firm is doing to attract those viewers.
Do you need help figuring out the ROI of your digital marketing efforts? Are you having difficulty figuring out what to measure and what it all means? We can help! Contacts us today so we can help you measure the results of your digital marketing efforts and help you analyze what is working and what needs to be fixed.
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