7 Ways That Lawyers Can Stand Out on Clubhouse
You’ve probably heard people talking about Clubhouse. It’s a new audio-only social media platform that’s in the invite-only stage, so it’s a great time to create a strong presence and start building your following. Here are seven tips that help lawyers stand out on the platform. Following these guidelines will only help to increase authority on the popular new social media platform.
1. Craft a meaningful and succinct bio
Before you start or participate in any Rooms, you need to have a complete and optimized profile; one that makes others want to connect with you. People will visit your profile first if they want to follow you, so a first impression is critical. Include your value proposition or a succinct and meaningful statement about who you are (i.e., what makes you interesting and worth connecting with?). Be sure to mention the kind of work you do and you can also try to drive leads by adding links to gated content (keep in mind they are not hyperlink-able. Because there’s no direct message feature built into the app — it is important to link out to your own Twitter and Instagram accounts from your Clubhouse profile.
2. Lawyers on Clubhouse need to choose a professional profile image
When someone is in a Clubhouse Room with you, all they will see is your avatar. If you hope to compel someone to click on your profile from a crowded Room, you need to make sure your picture pops. Choose a nice photo that prominently displays your face against a bold background. You could also add your firm name in the background. Try playing around with a tool like Canva to come up with some different options.
3. Join rooms in progress to begin with
Once your profile and photo are set up, focus on being an active participant. Join some Rooms that are already happening so that you can get a feel for what happens on the platform. While listening, simply raise your hand if you can add something. When you speak, you’ll be shown as a “speaker” which may generate more interest in your profile. Simply being shown with the rest of the speakers can garner you more attention. It’s worth noting that you only want to make helpful contributions (don’t raise your hand to speak simply to stand out – provide value).
4. Engage in conversations in your own Room
Lawyers can stand out on Clubhouse by creating their own Rooms. This will involve leading a conversation, which can seem intimidating at first. Remember, people are there to engage, learn, and network, so just be yourself! Think about which topics you’re passionate about that also appeal to your target audience. Prepare ahead of time by jotting down notes and coming up with a list of questions that will spark conversation. The most successful Clubhouse rooms are the ones where participants leave wanting more from the speaker. So, your goal is to provide so much great information and facilitate such great dialogue that people will want to follow you and continue to come to your Rooms. At the end of the conversation, encourage everyone to follow you on Clubhouse and the other platforms where you spend time.
5. Schedule Rooms ahead of time
Going live spur of the moment can provide some good opportunities, but scheduling Rooms in advance will help you to stand out more. That way your scheduled room may show up in a list of events on Clubhouse, and it also will be viewed by people scrolling looking for rooms that they may want to attend. Individuals have the option of turning on notifications so they won’t miss your event, and they may even share it with others who are interested in the topic.
6. Get serious about Clubhouse in your content strategy
If you plan to really invest time in the platform, then it needs to be a consideration as you build out your overall strategy. Join Rooms whenever possible and make genuine contributions to conversations. Start your own Rooms frequently to provide more opportunities for people to follow you. You might also set up a recurring event, such as a “Ask Me Anything Monday” to answer people’s legal questions. A recurring networking Room is also helpful for your audience. The point is to be consistent and make time for Clubhouse on your busy content calendar.
7. Provide value, always
This is pretty important across any social media platform these days, but the truth is any tip or tactic is useless if you aren’t prepared to add real value. Consistently show up and deliver high-quality content that your audience can get authentic benefits from – tips, tricks, “how-to’s”, Q & A sessions, etc. If you’re not sure what would be valuable, ask your audience (and then take their feedback into account).
Related: Clubhouse Best Practices for Lawyers
Clubhouse is getting a lot of hype because it’s an authentic and new approach to social media. Instead of posting content, it’s a place where people can engage with each other in real-time. So for any lawyer looking to stand out on Clubhouse and make a positive impression, authenticity must be central to your presence on the platform. Follow these steps to start contributing and standing out.
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