How to Adapt Your Law Firm’s Blog Content Into an Instagram Story
It’s important for any social content to be on brand. How does that relate to Instagram Stories? It can be difficult to create compelling stories on Instagram, that also reflects your law firm’s brand and shares valuable information. We’ve put together a 7-step approach that can help law firms to turn existing content into interesting and engaging Instagram Stories.
Use content that is buzz-worthy.
If people are not talking about an issue, topic, or trend in the legal industry, then it’s probably not worth creating an Instagram Story on. Your first step is looking for content that is based on topics that are generating a lot of interest. Seek out recent blogs or other content that would be considered buzz-worthy.
Think about content that’s easy to split up.
This strategy will only work if the content is easy to break up into digestible pieces. Remember, your audience is likely looking for quick entertainment during a work break or commute, so they’re likely not interested in reading Stories that are full of text. Grab the reader’s attention quickly with an interactive element and keep text brief. Use an interesting fact, video, or eye-catching graphic at the beginning. If you’re sharing data, break it down in a simple and concise way.
For Instagram Stories, you’ve got a 15-second limit per individual Story. However, if you upload a video that’s longer than 15 seconds, Instagram will chop it into 15-second pieces for you.
Try to make the story interactive.
Even bland topics can be jazzed up with a quiz, poll, or other interactive element. You can have users swipe up on the last page to get more info on any quiz answers. People may not want to dig into a blog post, but they might spend a few minutes on a story if you can pique their interest right away.
Aim to make text sparse and actionable.
It’s important to be mindful of the number of pages and the amount of text used in all stories. People are scrolling through Instagram looking for content that can be digested quickly. Make sure you’re using bullet points and use visuals, stickers, or other elements that make the story visually appealing. You can always include a swipe-up with a call-to-action (CTA).
Keep experimenting.
Social media for law firms is never a one-size-fits-all channel. You need to experiment to see what works in your niche and with your audience. Perform research and keep best practices in mind, but don’t be afraid to try new things. Know which metrics you’ll be keeping an eye on, such as Story views, impressions, and exits.
Keep stories to 4-5 pages.
The length of your story will impact engagement. If your story will include a swipe-up, it’s important to keep it to only 4 or 5 pages. Keep the content to only the most important takeaways. Use the end of the post and the CTA to share where people can go to find more detailed info (for example, “link in bio”). If you have 10k+ followers in Instagram or if you pay for advertising, you can include a link directly in your Story.
Constantly keep your audience in mind.
Your audience should be at the forefront of any and all content you create. Keep their motivations in mind when creating Instagram Stories for your law firm. Focus on what your audience has liked to see from you in the past. This is where monitoring your social and keeping track of what is working will be helpful. Don’t create stories based on content that has never received a lot of engagement before. Pop into Google Analytics and check to see which blog post has seen the most traffic this month, and turn that topic into a Story!
Did you know that 63% of Instagram’s users are 25 and older? Adapting existing content into stories will help you to provide value on different platforms and to reach a wider audience with your law firm’s messaging. So no, you do not have to start from scratch! Use the information available to you to make decisions about what content makes the most sense to adapt.
Not sure where to start? We can help you to create, curate, and promote content that engages your law firm’s audience. Reach out to us for a consultation today.
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