Why Being Good is No Longer "Good Enough"
Professor Oliver Goodenough of the University of Vermont Law School had an epiphany as he was walking through the exhibits at the LegalTech Show in New York last January. This epiphany was important enough to have been the subject of an article by Rachel Zahorsky and William Henderson in the most recent issue of the ABA […]
Social Business vs. Knowledge Management – Part 2
We started discussing a new topic last week – exploring the differences between social business and knowledge management. Are they fundamentally different approaches to solving the same set of organizational problems? Or is this just a case of new rhetoric and business jargon being used to sell a new generation of software products? In the course […]
Is Social Business a New Thing or Simply Knowledge Management Rebranded?
In the course of our ongoing efforts to spread the message to law firms and other professional service organizations about the inherent benefits of integrating social business technology into their daily practice, we receive a wide range of interesting feedback from our friends and contacts out there in the marketplace. Most recently, we received this email […]
Rebuilding Your Law Practice as a Social Practice- Blawgs
Blog Tips for Lawyers After your brief introduction to LinkedIn and Twitter, with this week’s installment we’re going to take a closer look at how lawyers have been successfully building their practices with social media. It’s now time to check out the law blogs – also known as blawgs. Blogs – an abbreviation for web […]
Rebuilding Your Law Practice as a Social Practice – Twitter
Having plunged into the world of social media by joining LinkedIn, it’s now time to venture further. The next step on your path to becoming a social media maven is to explore Twitter. Since it’s founding in 2006, Twitter has mushroomed into one of the most active sites on the Internet, boasting more than 500 […]
My Top 7 Books for Social Business
As the end of summer draws near, I have been spending a lot of time reading up on the topic of social business. There are a lot of good books out there meant for both novices and advanced social business practitioners. Here are a few of my favorites: Social Business by Design by Dion […]
Rebuild Your Legal Practice as a Social Practice – LinkedIn
So it’s time to take the plunge. You’ve read through all the articles and blog posts. You’ve seen the IBM “social business” commercials on T.V at least a dozen times. Perhaps you have even dipped a toe in the water by setting up a Twitter or LinkedIn account for yourself. So now what? How do […]
Why Social Media Advocacy is Critical for Professional Services Firms
I recently had a conversation with the Chief Marketing Officer of a mid-size consulting firm. She seemed to agree with the basic thrust of my thinking – that it is becoming increasingly important for her firm (or any professional service firm for that matter) to establish a meaningful presence on social media. And she seemed […]
The Social Law Firm
Over the last few years American businesses have embraced a new way of thinking, remaking themselves as less hierarchical and more social enterprises. This organizational change has been facilitated by new technology and a new communications paradigm. It seeks to harness the opportunity for productive social and business interaction that has been made possible by […]
Is Social Collaboration the Key to Associate Retention?
Meet Charles Newbie. Charles is a first year associate at an Am Law 100 law firm. Charles has been given the task of researching whether or not a client violated Section 19(b)(1) and Section 19(g)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act as well as Section 17(a) and Rule 17a-1 when it failed to promptly provide information requested by […]
The Three Levels of a Social Business
There have been many attempts over the last year to define what a social business is. IBM, Salesforce.com and many other enterprise software companies are spending a significant amount of money on advertising and marketing, trying to educate business owners of the benefits and values a social business offers. Yet for all their efforts, I […]
Can a Law Firm Become a Social Business?
A couple of weeks ago, I had an opportunity to speak on a panel at Business Development Institute‘s Social Media Marketing Summit for Law Firms. It was a very well executed event with approximately 200 law firm professionals in attendance.